Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Circulation and medical imaging
Asbjørn Støylen, Professor, Dr. Med
This section is intended as an introduction to basic ultrasound physics and technology for clinicians without technical or mathematical background. A basic knowledge of the physical principles underlying ultrasound, will give a better understanding of the practical limitations in ultrasound, and the technical solutions used to solve the problems. This will give a clearer picture of the reasons for the problems and artifacts also treated in this section. Technical or mathematical background is not necessary, explanations are intended to be intuitive and graphic, rather than mathematical.
The section replaces the sections on
Basic ultrasound
Strain ultrasound
Problems and pitfalls
Echocardiography is based on reflected ultrasound. Fundamentally reflected ultrasound measures a distance from the source of the sound.
Echoes are reflected sound. By measuring the time interval between the emitted sound and the reflected sound, the distance to the reflected surface can be estimated.
By measuring the time interval between emitted and reflected sound, the distance (d) to the reflecting object can be estimated, as long as the sound velocity (c = d / t) is known.
The sound travels forth and back, so the time interval is twice the distance, and d = c × tb/ 2
Ultrasound is simply sound waves, like audible sound. Although some physical properties is dependent on the frequency, the basic principles are the same. Sound consists of waves of compression and decompression of the transmitting medium (e.g. air or water), traveling at a fixed velocity. Sound is an example of a longitudinal wave oscillating back and forth in the direction the sound wave travels, thus consisting of successive zones of compression and rarefaction. Transverse waves are oscillations in the transverse direction of the propagation. (For instance surface waves on water or electromagnetic radiation.)
Schematic illustration of a longitudinal compression wave (top) and transverse wave (bottom). The bottom figure can also represent the pressure amplitude of the sound wave.
The audible sound frequencies are below 15 000 to 20 000 Hz, while diagnostic ultrasound is in the range of 1 - 12 MHz. Audible sound travels around corners, we can hear sounds around a corner (sound diffraction). With higher frequencies Shorter wavelengths) the sound tend to move more in straight lines like electromagnetic beams, and will be reflected like light beams. They will be reflected by much smaller objects (also because of shorter wavelengths), and does not propagate easily in gaseous media.
The wavelength is inversely related to the frequency f by the sound velocity c:
Meaning that the velocity equals the number of oscillations per second (frequency), times the length of an oscillation (wavelength).
The sound velocity in a given material is constant (at a given temperature), but varies in different materials (220):
Material | Velocity ( m/s) |
Air | 330 |
Water | 1497 |
Fat | 1440 |
Average soft tissue | 1540 |
Blood | 1570 |
Muscle | 1500 - 1630 |
Bone | 2700 - 4100 |
Metal | 3000 - 6000 |
Sound velocity in different materials. The denser the material, the higher the speed.
Ultrasound is generated by piezoelectric crystals that vibrates when compressed and decompressed by an alternating current applied across the crystal, the same crystals can act as receivers of reflected ultrasound, the vibrations induced by the ultrasound pulse generates an electric oscillation in the chrystal.
An ultrasound image line is built by emitting a pulse (HOI), that is reflected from a scatterer (a particle in the tissue). The ultrasound pulse travels with the velocity (c) in the tissue, using a certain time (t), to travel to a certain depth (d), and thus c = d / t. Part of the emitted pulse is then reflected back to be detected by the transducer. As the reflected pulse travels back and forth, the time lag t is twice the time for travelling the depth (d), so d = c × t/2. The scatterer is then detected and located when the reflected pulse meets the transducer, the amplitude is displayed in the image line as the brughtness of the spot.
The depth of a scatterer is thus given by
When an ultrasound pulse hits a reflector, part of the energy is reflected, part is transmitted. The ratio of the amplitude (energy) of the reflected pulse and the incident is called the reflection coefficient. RA = reflected/incoming pressure. «Amplitude reflection coefficient»
Material interface | Reflection coefficient |
Liver/Kidney | 0.006 |
Kidney/spleen | 0.003 |
Blood/Kidney | 0.009 |
Liver/fat | 0.11 |
Liver/Bone | 0.59 |
Liver /Air | 0.9995 |
This decides the amplitude of reflected echo in the interface between different tissues.
The ratio of the amplitude of the incident pulse and the transmitted pulse is called the transmission coefficient.
Both are dependent on the differences in acoustic impedance of the two materials. The acoustic impedance of a medium is the speed of sound in the material × the density of the material.
Thus, if the velocities of sound in two materials are very different, the reflection will be close to total, and no energy will pass into the deepes material. This occurs in bondary zones between f.i. soft tissue and bone, and soft tissue and air. In the interface between most soft tissues the reflection coefficients are so small that < 1% reflected, which means that the pulse should progress and generate more echoes further in.
Multiple scatterers, the pulse passes the first, and is patially reflected, and partially transmitted. The same happens when the pulse hits the next scatterers in sequence, each generating a reflected echo pulse. the scatterers are detected when the reflected pulse reaches the probe, and the depths are given by the time lag between pulse emission and detection. The amount of energy reflected is the amplitude of the retirn signal.
The image is built line by line, each line corresponds to one pulse, and the reflected echoes from that pulse. The duration of the time it takes to build a line, depends on the desired depth, and is twice the time lag for that depth.
Adjusted for a shorter time lag (depth), the pulse uses shorter time to travel to a smaller depth, and shorter time to return form a smaller depth.
Thus, the time to build a line, depends on the desired depth.
The line can be resampled when the echo from the deepest part has returned, and so, the sampling rate depends on the depth setting. Hypothetically, with C = 1540 m/s, and a sampling depth of 10 cm, the minimum time lag of a sampling must be: d × t = d × 2 / c = 0.13 ms. The hypothetical sampling rate could then be up to 7700 FPS. However, there are practical limitations in processing reducing the sampling rate.
Moving structures can be imaged by their motion along the imaging line, if repeated lines are plotted against a timeplot:
A-mode: Amplitude of the returning echo. Only of historical interest now. B-mode (Brightness): the amplitude is displayed by the size and brightness of the refelcted echo pulse along the line. M-mode: motion: In reality a timeplot of B-modes sampled continuously along the beam, the image line is plotted on a moving screen or paper, giving a motion plot of the structure.
The M-mode was the first ultrasound modality to record display moving echoes from the heart (220), and thus the motion could be interpreted in terms of myocardial and valvular function. The M-modes were originally recorded without access to 2-dimensional images.
a | b | c |
Typical M-mode images. a from left ventricle, b from the mitral valve and c from the aortic valve as indicated on the 2D long axis image above. Here the amplitude is displayed in white on dark background.
M-mode had traditionally a sampling rate of 1000 FPS, Today it is lower, as more processing power is allocated to image quality.
The pulse length is simply the wavelength × the number of waves in the pulse. The pulse length determines the depth resolution along the ultrasound beam, and is half the pulse length.
In a blood / tissue interface, the dividing line can be seen as a bright line, which does not reflect a tissue stricture (typically NOT the intima, being far too thin to be seen with ultrasound at the present frequences), but the pulse length. This is the reason for the ASE convention, where depths are measured from leading - to - leading edge of the echoes, as this will neutralise the pulse length form measurements.
By Fourier analysis, the frequency content of the pulse will be less dispersed, the longer the pulse is. Thus, the pulse length is inversely proportional with the spread of the frequency, i.e. the bandwidth of the pulse, as shown below.
Two different pulses with the same frequency, but different duration (pulse length), i.e. Number of oscillations. The shortest pulse has a wider dispersion of frequencies, i.e. a greater bandwidth. After Angelsen
Higher frequencies will result in shorter pulses for the same number of oscillations, i.e. reduce pulse length without increasing bandwidth to the same degree. Thus, for imaging, the ideal pulse would be highest possible frequency (depending on the required depth penetration) and the shortest possible pulse length.
Higher frequencies will result in shorter pulses for the same number of oscillations, i.e. reduce pulse length without increasing bandwidth to the same degree. Thus, for imaging, the ideal pulse would be highest possible frequency (depending on the required depth penetration) and the shortest possible pulse length. However, as noise is unevenly distributed in different frequency domains, harmonic imaging, which analyses at half the frequency, will result in less noise. Harmonic imaging thus doubles the pulse length for a given frequency, and results in thicker echoes.
Halving the frequency results in half the number of oscillations per time unit, or longer time (= pulse length) for the same number of oscillations. Thus halving the frequency, as in second harmonic analysis, will result in longer pulse length. However, the bandwidth is far less affected.
Second harmonic (1.7/3.5 MHz) left and fundmental (3.5 MHz) right images of LV septum, showing how the echo from the blood/septum interface (arrows) is thicker in harmonic imaging, due to the reduction in frequency. Observe, however, how cavity noise is much reduced in harmonic imaging, resulting in a far more favorable signal-to-noise ratio. | The thickness of the surtface echoes is dependent n the pulse length, and thus also on the frequency. This picture of the septum illustrates how the leading-to-leading ASE convention shown in red, eliminates the pulse length in measurement (as the echo blooms in both directions), while the Penn convention will result in increasing overestimation of the thickness by increasing pulse length as it incorporates the interface on both sides. |
The most important point is that the echo from an interface reflects the pulse length, and is NOT a picture of the endothelium.
The return pulse contains information at various levels.
The return pulse is a waveform. To process this, multiple samples along the waveform is needed. However, if the full waveform is stored, both amplitude and frequency can be post processed. | The pulse has a certain amplitude, depending on how much energy that is reflected | And the amplitude information is only a single value that is represented without furthwer information of the waveform. This is the only data that are used in B-mode and M-mode imaging | In addition to the amplitude, the wave frequency can be stored as additional information of the waveform, but still a fairly simple dataset. This additional information that can be used in Doppler. |
Different structures will reflect different amount of the emitted energy, and thus the reflected signal from different depths will have different amplitudes.
The reflecting structures does not only reflect directly back to the transmitter, but scatters the ultrasound in more directions. Thus, the reflecting structures are usually termed scatterers.
It's important to realise that the actual amount of energy that is reflected back to the probe; i.e. the amplitude of the reflected signal, is not only dependent on the reflection coefficient. The direction of the reflected signal is also important.
- An irregular scatterer will reflect only a portion back to the probe.
- A more regular scatterer will reflect more if the reflecting surfaces are perpendicular to the ultrasound beam.
Effect of size and direction of the reflecting surface. The two images on the left shows a perfect reflecting surface. Most of the energy (but not all, as the wavefront is not flat), will reflect back to the transducer resulting in a high amplitude echo, when the surface is perpendicular to the ultrasound beam. On the other hand, if this surface is tilted 45º, almost all energy will be reflected away from the surface, resulting in a very low amplitude return echo to the probe. The next two images shows a scatterer with a more curved surface, resulting in more energy being spread out in different directions, this will give a lower amplitude signal back to the probe, but may reflect more energy back towards the probe if it is tilted, as for instance when the heart contracts, walls changing direction. Finally, to the left, a totally irregular surface will reflect the sound in all directioons, butt very little net reflectionstoward the probe.
The term: Reflection is used about the return signal, while scattering is used about dispersion of the reflected signal, but as the figure above shows, it's the same process.
Thus, the apparent density of the tissue on the ultrasound image is as dependent on the wall and fibre direction. A part of the heart where the fibres run mainly in a direction across the ultrasound beams, will look much denser. Variations in amplitude (brightness of the reflected signal) do not necessarily mean differences in density, but may also mean variations in reflectivity due to variation in the direction of the reflections. Thus, integrated backscatter can be used for studying of cyclicity, but it is not useful for tissue characterisation.
Some of the energy of the ultrasound is absorbed by the tissues, and converted to heat. This indicates that it may have biological effects, if the absorbed energy is high enough.
Absorption is important for two reasons:
The absorption is dependent on many factors (117):
The ultrasound power is the amplitude of the transmitted signal, at the probe. I.e. The total energy that is transmitted into the patient. This is measured in deciBels.
The mechanical index, is the amount of energy that is absorbed by the patient. This, howver is not only dependent on the power, but also on the focussing of the beam, and is highest where the beam is focussed, but it also decreases with depth. Thus, the mechanical index is a measure of the possible biological effects of the ultrasound, and is usually calculated and given as a maximal theoretical entity, by the equipment. Usually, it may vary between 1.5 (in B-mode) and 0.1 (in contrast applications).
It follows that the ultrasound waves are attenuated as some of the energy is reflected or scattered. Thus, in passing through tissue, the energy is attenuated due to the reflection that is necessary to build an image. This is about 10% of the total energy loss. In addition, the ultrasound waves are diffracted, resulting in further diffusion of the waves out into the surrounding tissue and loss in the energy available for reflection (imaging). However, the most important factor is the the ultrasound energy is attenuated due to absorption in the tissue, this absorption process generates heating of the tissue. It follows that as attenuation is energy loss, this means that the attenuation increases with increasing depth, and can be measured inj dB / cm.
The signal intensity decreases exponentially by depth:
Signal intensity is attenuated exponentially by depth as shown by this curve. | Attenuation can be measured in decibels (logarithmic scale) as a function of depth, the decibel scale will be linear |
The attenuation is the limiting factor for the depth penetration of the beam, i.e. the depth to which the beam can be transmitted, and still give useful signals back. Basically, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the attenuation (and thus the shorter the depth penetration), so a more practical measure is dB / cm / MHz. The effective range can be said to be about 200 - 300 x .
In soft tissue, the attenuation is about 0.5 dB / cm / MHz.
For practical medical purposes, the penetration for good imaging is about 10 - 20 cm at 3.5 MHz (adult cardiac), 5 - 10 cm at about 5 MHZ (pediatric cardiac), 2-5 cm at 7.5 MHz, 1-4 cm at 10 MHZ, the last two frequencies being in the vascular domain. However, one method to alleviate some of the attenuation problem is by harmonic imaging. Thus the beam is transmitted at a certain frequency, and the received signal is analysed at twice that frequency (Fourier analysis). This increases the signal to noise ratio of the reflected signal, especially at the deepest parts of the image, without a similar loss of resolution.
Attenuation also increases with the tissue density:
Tissue | Attenuation (Db / cm /MHz) |
Water | 0.02 |
Blood | 0.15 |
Liver | 0.40 |
Brain | 0.44 |
Muscle | 0.57 |
Bone | 22 |
Basically, discrete objects with high reflexivity wil cause attenuation shadows, as shown below. However, the shadows are both due to the absorbtion in dense tissue, and of the reflection at the border zones, if they have a high reflexivity coefficient.
Behind organs with low density (reflexivity) on the other hand, the tissue appears brighter (colouring). This is simply lack of attenuation - acoustic enhancement.
Liver with a gallbladder in front, containing gallstones. The gallstones are dense, with rapidly decreasing echo by depth. The attenuation causes a shadow behind. The liver, is less dense, showing a more homogenous reflection. The rest of the gallbladder, however, is fluid filled, the fluid attenuates much less, so the liver tissue behind the gall bladder appears denser than the neighbouring tissue due the ultrasound being less attenuated (t"colouring") | A more subtle degree of attenuation/colouring is seen in this short axis image of the heart. The cavities of the RV and LV are both low attenuating, so the septum and inferior wall are brighter, due to colouring. The lateral walls, on the other hands, have ultrasound beams passing along the walls, so there is more attenuation and they appear darker. |
Basically, discrete objects with high reflexivity wil cause attenuation shadows.
In echocardiography, the shadows may even be useful, as a clue to a high reflexivity of structures, meaning they are usually calcified (thick, dense stuctures may seem very bright in the usual scanner setting but will usually not cast a shadow if not calcified.:
Calcification in the posterior mitral ring seen both in parasternal and apical views from the same patient. The shadow is clearly visible in both views. | |
Calcified aortic valves, with heavy shadows behind.
Both air and bone will attenuate the ultrasound beam almost totally, thus creating a shadow.
However, a shadow has different effects depending on the distance from the probe. A distant shadow will simply create a drop out behind the shadowing object. On the other hand, a shadow close to the probe will simply reduce the effective aperture, thus not creating a drop out, but instead reducing the lateral resolution. The principle is illustrated below.
Illustration of effects of shadows on an ultrasound beam. Left: no shadow. Middle, a shadow distant from the beam (e.g. a calcification or the lung seen at a distance), resulting in a shadow with no image below it. Right a shadow close to the transducer surface (e.g. lung edge or rib) will result in a narrow beam (reduced apparent aperture) which will not be seen as a shadow in the picture, but rather a reduced lateral resolution. (Original simulation image to the left courtesy of Hans Torp, modifications by me.) The effect of the depth of the origin of the shadows in the images is shown below, indicated by the green arrows. | |
Left, shadow originating at a depth of ca 3 cm, as can seen by the visible structures of the chest wall closer to the probe. The shadow is probably due to the edge of the lung. Right; a small repositioning of the probe solves the problem. | Left shadow originating close to the chest wall (< 1 cm), probably the edge of a costa. It can be seen as a shadow, but the main effect is loss of lateral resolution in the shadow, and again a small repositioning of the probe solves the problem as seen to the right. |
more pronounced drop out of the anterior wall in this 2-chamber view due to a lung shadow distant from the probe. However, the lateral resolution may be seen to be reduced at the basal part of the border between the picture and the shadow. | Reduced lateral resolution due to costal shadow. The effects of both costae and shadows will vary, according to the distance from the probe. In this case the patient was extremely thin, thus there was virtually no distance between the probe and the costa. In this case, no localised shadow can be seen, the costa was to the left in the image, where resolution is poorest. |
Attenuation can be dealt with by gain, increasing gain amplifies the reflected signal in post processing. However, increased gain increases signal and noise in the same manner. Gain can be done at acquisition, or in post processing.
Uncompensated image, showing decreasing signal intensity (and, hence, visibility) with depth, due to attenuation. | Increasing over all gain, will increase the amplitude of the signal, and the structures at the bottom of the sector becomes more visible. But the gain in the top of the sector are also increased, including the cavity noise, thus decreasing contast in this part of the image. |
All commercial equipment today has a time gain compensation (TGC), increasing the gain of the reflected signals with increasing time from the transmitted pulse. This is equivalent to increasing the gain with increasing depth. However, this is not a perfect solution, as the noise is constant with depth, while the reflected signals become weaker, and with TGC, the noise will be gained as well as the signal, and the signal-to-noise ratio will decrease, thus the resulting signal will end up as a grey blur at a certain depth. This effect can be seen below. Before harmonic imaging, the TGC was adjustable, relying on the operator to optimise the visibility. AS the greater part of cavity noise is removed by the harmonic imaging, most modern equipment has automated TGC, but retains the possibility of manual adjustment.
All commercial equipment today has a time gain compensation (TGC). This increases the gain of the reflected signals with increasing time from the transmitted pulse; equivalent to increasing the gain with increasing depth. However, this is not a perfect solution, as the signal-to-noise ratio may decrease, if the noise does not decrease similarly with depth. However, it will give a better balance in the picture, and compensate for much of the attenuation effects. This is a pre processing function, and has to be set at acquisition.
TGC controls. Basically, each slider controls gain selectively at a certain depth: | In older models, the TGC should be set manually to achieve a balanced image: |
Present models, however, have automatic TGC. Thus the default control setting should be neutral to achieve a balanced picture: | Using manual setting by old habit will result in a double compensation, with too much gain in the bottom, too little in the top: |
Low amplitude signals can be filtered away, resulting in filtering out cavity noise, however at the price of risking to loose low amplitude signals (e.g. from valves.) by the reject function.
Finally, the grey scale can be compressed, resulting in a steeper saturation curve. This means that the picture goes to full saturation (pure white) at a lower amplitude, while the brightness of low amplitude signals are reduced.
It is important to realise that all these are post-processing functions that manipulates the image on the screen, without improving the signal quality itself, or the fundamental signal to noise ratio.
Image with default gain, reject and compress settings | Principle of gain, reject and compress. All curves display brightness of the display in relation to the amplitude of the rejected signal. An ordinary gain curve is shown in black, using a linear brightness scale, displays the full range of amplitudes. Increasing gain (red curve), will increase all signals, including the weakest, as in the noise. The disadvantage, in addition to increasing noise, is that the strongest signals will be saturated, so details may disappear. Compress is shown as the blue curve. This results in a steeper brightness curve, resulting in less brightness of the weakest echoes, and more brightness of the strongest. Thus, weak echoes may disappear together with background noise, while strong echoes will be saturated, resulting in loss of detail. Finally reject is shown by the light grey zone, siply displaying all signals below a certain amplitude as black. (The black brightnes curve drops abruptly to zero at the reject limit (dark grey line). A combination of high gain and reject will give an effect fairly similar to the compress function. |
Same image with high gain (top) showing increased density of the endocardium, but loss of detail due to brightness saturation and a corresponding increase in cavity noise and low gain (bottom), showing reduction in cavity noise, but loss of detail (see endocardium in lateral wall). | Same image with increased reject (top) showing reduction in cavity noise, but also with slight loss of detail (endocardium in lateral wall) and compress function (bottom) with less detail in the myocardium due to increased brightness. |
The angle dependency of Doppler measurements, is well known. However, M-mode measurements are just as angle dependent:
Effect of angulation in thickness measurement. The true thickness is L0, the measurement, however may be done along an M-mode beam parallel to the length L. As the cosine to the angle | Example from reconstructed M-mode, with vertical scales aligned at zero and 6 cm depth for comparison. To the left, the line crosses the septum transversely resulting in a diastolic thickness measure of 7mm, to the right the M-mode line is skewed, and the measurement across the septum is longer (10 mm). |
Thus, a skewed cross sectional M.mode will overestimate both wall thicknesses and chamber diameters.
Reconstructed M-mode with a fairly straight cross angle between the M-mode line and the LV long axis. | Reconstructed M-mode from the same loop, but with the M-mode line crossing the LV long axis at a skewed angle, showing thicker walls and wider cavity, due to the angulation. |
The angle distortion is eliminated, however, by using ratios. Fractional shortening and wall thickening are ratios of diastolic values and systolic changes, where the overestimation is present in both diastole and systole (unless the angle changes during systole, of course), and the ratios will remain unchanged.Thus wall thickening and fractional shortening can be estimated even if the line is skewed.
However measuring absolute dimensions or motion by M-mode, will lead to an over estimation by M-mode just as in measuring distances:
Angle dependency of motion measurement by M-mode. As a reflector moves from a to b in the direction 1, the true motion (displacement) is L1. If the ultrasound beam deviates from the direction of the motion by the angle | The angle error in displacement measurement demonstrated in a reconstructed M-mode. As the skewed M-mode line is shorter, scales have been lignes at 0 and 6 cm (green lines). But the caliper measures are showing how increasing angle between M-mode line and direction of motion increases the overestimation of the MAPSE. |
Again measuring displacement relative to end diastolic wall length, will give correct values, as both wall length and displacement will have the same ratio despite the angulation error, if measured along the same straight line. Thus, global strain in not affected to the same degree.
This means, that in motion tracking by B-mode or M-mode, the
The most common out of plane motion, is the movement of the base towards the apex, which is the longitudinal shortening of the ventricle. This is evident from the long axis view, but not the short axis:
Normal long axis image. The motion of the base of the ventricle towards the apex is evident in the long axis view. | Looking at the short axis view from the base, this is not evident, but comparing with the image on the left, this mus mean that during systole, an entirely new part of the ventricle moves into the imaging plane. |
This, of course affects M-mode measurements as well:
As can be seen, the base of the heart moves through the M-mode line during the heart cycle. | This means that measurements in fact are taken from different part of the ventricle in end diastolie and end systole. It seems to indicate that systolic measurements are done in a part of the ventricle with narrower lumen and thicker wall, thus may over estimating both fractional shortening and wall thickening. |
Interestingly, the M-mode values of HUNT3 showed a substantial higher wall thickening in the PW than in the septum, while the 2D measurements in HUNT 4 did not reproduce this finding. This effect is probably due to the specific vulnerability of M-mode to the effects of the long axis shortening, making the M-mode cress different parts of the LV in systole and diastole. The configuration of the posterior wall in then base may thus induce a statistical bias towards over estimation of wall thickness as shown below.
Images from different parts of the heart cycle, showing that the line crosses different parts of the LV in end diastole and end systole. As the end systolic frame has moved the base of the heart further towards the apex, and the posterior wall thickens towards the mitral annulus, the motion induces an apperent over estimation of end systolic thickness, which will be reflected in the M-mode measurements:
The apparent higher thickening of the posterior LV, may thus be due to the increased thickness of the posterior wall moving into the M-mode line due to the longitudinal motion of the basal parts of the heart.
Comparing with longitudinal deformation of the two walls, we found in HUNT3 that MAPSE was about 14% higher in the posterior wall than the anteroseptum, but the posterior wall was also around 10% longer than the anteroseptum (156). Thus, the relative shortening (longitudinal wall strain) in HUNT 3 was 16.6% in the anteroseptum, vs 16.5% by segmental strain, and 14.7% vs 15.5% (relative difference 5%) by normalised MAPSE.
Thus, as longitudinal shortening and transverse thickening are interrelated as shown above, similar relative longitudinal shortenings between the walls, also indicates similar wall thickenings. Thus, the physiology weighs in favor of HUNT4 in this case, while the longitudinal and transmural deformation data in HUNT3 are somewhat inconsistent.
Again, modern technology now allows a much more complex processing technology allows using input data in a way that also improves the beamforming characteristics in processing, as they are used for the generation of a picture. Thus the simple principles of beamforming outlined here are an over simplification compared to the most advanced high end scanners.
It is important to realise that the last couple of years has seen tremendous improvements in both hardware (allowing a much higher data input to the scanner as well as processing technology), and software (allowing more data processing at higher speed). It even allow using input data in a way that also improves the beamforming characteristics in processing, as they are used for the generation of a picture. Thus the simple principles of beamforming and focussing outlined here are an over simplification compared to the most advanced high end scanners.
However, they will still serve to give an idea. And simpler equipment still conform more closely to the basic principles described here.
A. Mechanical transducer. The sector is formed by rotating a single transducer or array of transducers mechanically, firing one pulse in each direction and then waiting for the return pulse before rotating the transducer one step. In this beam there is electronic focusing as well, by an annular array. | B. Electronic transducer in a phased array. By stimulating the transducers in a rapid sequence , the ultrasound will be sent out in an interference pattern. According to Huygens principle, the wavefront will behave as a single beam, thus the beam is formed by all transducers in the array, and the direction is determined by the time sequence of the pulses sent to the array. Thus, the beam can be electronically steeredand will then sweep stepwise over the sector in the same way as the mechanical transducer in A, sending a beam in one direction at a time. |
Dynamic focusing. The same principle of phase steering can be applied to make a concave wavefront, resulting in focusing of the beam with its narrowest part a distance from the probe. Combining the steering in B and C will result in a focussed beam that sweeps across the sector, as in the moving image above. | Resulting Ultrasound beam as shown by a computer simulation, focusing due to the concave wavefront created by the dynamic focusing. The wavelength is exaggerated for illustration purposes. Image Courtesy of Hans Torp. |
Focusing is illustrated above. In a mechanical probe, there may be several transducers, arranged in a circular array, focusing the beam in a manner analogous to that shown below left. In a circular array, however, the focusing can be done in all directions transverse to the beam direction, i.e. in the imaging plane and transverse to the plane, while a linear array can only focus in one direction, in the imaging plane.
Annular focusing in all directions both in plane and transverse to the plane. | Linear focusing in the imaging plane only. |
A matrix array, can focus in both directions at the same plane.
The focusing increases the concentration of the energy at the depths where the beam is focussed, so the energy in each part of the tissue has to be calculated according to both wavelength, transmission and focusing to ensure that the absorbed energy stays within safe limits.
Modern high end scanners has beams that are more focussed along the whole length, allowing narrower and more lines in the image, i.e. higher line density, and at the same time allows higher frame rate due to among other things MLA related image forming.
In order to increase aperture size, the beams should be less focussed. In completely unfocussed beams, the wavefront is more or less flat, and the beam has more or less parallel edges.
The advantage of this is:
The main disadvantage is that with planar waves, the energy is too low for second harmonic imaging, Thus, it cannot be used for B-mode imaging, neither in 2D nor 3D. However, it can be used for tissue Doppler, where harmonic imaging is unfeasible anyway, because of the Nykvist limit.
The apparent width of the scatterer in the image is more or less given by the lateral resolution of the beam. (The thickness in the axial direction is determined by the depth resolution, i.e. the pulse length as discussed above). In addition, two echoes within one beam, will only be separated by the difference in depth.
The lateral resolution of a beam is dependent on the focal depth, the wavelength and probe diameter (aperture) of the ultrasound probe. A near shadow will reduce the effective aperture, and thus the lateral resilution as illustrated here. | Two points in a sector that is to be scanned. | The ultrasound scan will smear the points out according to the lateral resolution in each beam. |
Thus a small scatterer will appear to be "smeared out", and the apparent size in the image is determined by the beam width and pulse length. As the pulse length is less than the beam width, the object will | Two scatterers at the same depth, separated laterally by less than the beam width, will appear as one. | Two scatterers at different depths will appear separate if separated by more than the pulse length. | But, if separated both laterally and in depth, they will appear as being in the same line, if lateral separation is within the beam. |
Reverberations is defined as the sound remaing in a particular space after the original sound pulse has passed.
Thus, a single echo is a reverberation (first order), and multiple echoes will be higher order reverberations as illustrated below.
the phenomenon that a sound pulse bounce back between different structures before being reflected back to the observer. , while in ultrasound iomages the term is usually restricted to artefacts caused by the echo bouncing more times (higher order reverberations) , creating false images
The phenomenon of thunder is a typical reverberation effect:
Reverberations: Simplified animation of thunder. The sound of lightning is a short, sharp crack. The wavefront of that sound (red) reaches the listener first, but the wavefront is then reflected from different cloud surfaces with different distance to the listener as secondary echoes, ( primary reverberations; blue and green), an also tertiary echo (Secondary reverberation; yellow) and even higher orders. Thus, the crack is "smeared out" to a long lasting rumble.
In ultrasound imaging, actually the primary echoes are first order reverberations. However, in ultrasound images the term is usually restricted to artefacts caused by the echo bouncing more times (higher order reverberations) , creating false images as the partial delay due to multiple reflections will be interpreted as images at greater and different depths. One of the most typical phenomenons are the stationary reverberations caused by the bouncing of the pulse between a structure close to the surface, and the probe surface:
Stationary reverberations are caused by stationary structures, usually in the chest wall, causing the ultrasound to bounce back and forth between the skin and the structure, increasing the time before the echo returns and giving rise to a false image of an apparent stationary structure deeper down.
Top, a common reverberation in the lateral wall, seen as a stationary echo (arrows). Below, the principle shown diagrammatically, a reflector causing the ultrasound pulse to bounce, for each bounce back, the echo is interpreted as a structure at a depth corresponding to multiples of the original depth. | This is even more evident in this image, showing multiple, stationary reverberations from the apex. All the reverberations have the same distance. In the blow up below, the reverberation space can be seen to be a echolucent space in front of the apical pericardium, and the distance between the reverberations equals the original distance between the probe and the pericardium. |
Reverberations needs not necessarily be totally stationary, if the reflecting surface that gives rise to the echo moves, the reverberations will move as well.
Reverberations may also occur in colour Doppler:
The red jet shown in the atrium, is a reverberation originating from the aortic regurgitation jet. | From the B-mode acquisition, there can be seen a slight, possibly clutter line as well, buty in this case the reverberation signal is predominantly in the Doppler signal. |
To document that this is not a pathological jet, the apical long axis and four-chamber views do not show such a jet in the same location. |
The simultaneous duration of the two jets shown on the reconstructed M-mode also confirms that this is a reflection, and not something else (f.i. a venous signal or fistula) | The distance between the jets is compatible with the reflecting layer being the immovable structure outside the pericardium. | -and quantitative analysis shows the reversal of the phase in the reflected signal. |
The "ring down" phenomenon is a special instance of reverberations in the form of a bright beam radiating out behind a small echo lucent (often fluid filled, but may be fat) layer behind a scatterer with high reflexivity. The source of the ring down artefact is thus a small reverberating space in front of a powerful reflector, despite the fact that it is projected behind it.
Ringdown artefacts in an echo from a healthy (and young) person originating from the base of the left ventricle and right atrium. As explained below, they most probably originate from the pericardial space. The persistence of the phenomenon through the depth may partly be a function of the Time Gain Compensation, and the fan like appearance of course, is due to using a sector scanner.
This artefact was originally described in relation to small gas bubbles in the abdomen, and also to small cholesterol crystals in the gall bladder. However, as seen above and below, small structures in the pericardium as well as mechanical valve components, may also give rise to this. The mechanism has been proposed as being resonance, i.e. that the pulse hitting a small gas bubble or cluster of bubbles may give rise to the bubbles resonating, and thus emitting energy long after the original pulse has been reflected. In the scanner this would be interpreted to successive echoes in the same direction, but with increasing depth, i.e. a bright ray. In echocardiography, however, it is not uncommon, most often from the pericardium. Normal subjects, of course, do not have air in the pericardium.
If present, they do not disappear with change of probe frequency, excluding resonance as a mechanism:
Ringdown artefacts from the pericardium. As seen by this image, they are present with all probe transmission frequencies, which would not be the case if this was due to resonance.
Resonance is basically related to a specific frequency, the eigenfrequency of the source. Frequencies above that can basically cause resonance, but mainly in the harmonic frequencies, i.e. those that are one or more octaves (multiples of the basic frequency) removed from the eigenfrequency. In the example above, the artefact is present with frequencies that are not multiples of each other, so resonance is ruled out.
Thus, the ring down artefact is a special instance of reverberations, where there are multiple reverberations within a short space as illustrated in the diagram below:
Reverberations. In all cases, reverberations are the result of the ultrasound pulse bouncing back and forth between two layers, the low reflecting space between them can be called the "reverberation space". Here the probe surface is shown in black, the reflector causing the reverberation in dark grey, while the artefact echoes are shown in lighter grey. The reverberation space in front of the reflector is illustrated in light red.
It is clear that fluid filled layers in the body may act as reverberation spaces, provided the structure behind is sufficiently reflective. In the lungs, this phenomenon is seen in connection with oedema in the interlobular septa. The air space in the alveoli is almost totally reflective. This is called comet tails.
The comet-tail artefact is used to describe the ring down phenomenon doing utlrasound of the lungs, with a cardiac probe (279). This has been seen to be a marker of interstitial fluid in the lungs (280), i.e. edematous interstitial septa (equivalent to the Kerley B-lines on X-ray), and has been seen to be quick and reliable. The reverberations should then be within the edematous interstitial septa, as air filled alveolar clusters in front and behind would be strong reflectors, causing the reverberation within a very short distance (281). As penetration through the lung is poor, they have to originate close to the lung surface:
Lung ultrasoud showing comet tails from a patient with heart failure. In this case theymove with the lung during rspiration. The lung tissue can be seen in the upper few centimeters, below that the signal is totally attenuated, but the comet tails are clearly visible. Image acquired with a hand held ultrasound device. Image courtesy of Bjørn Olav Haugen, NTNU
As with calcification shadows, it is an example of an artefact giving useful information.
The source of the ring down artefact is a small reverberating space in front of a powerful reflector, which means that the reflector may give rise to an attenuation shadow as well. This is also shown up in the cone behind the reflector, and this attenuation shadow itself may act to increase the apparent gain of the ringdown beam.
Ring down echoes from the pericardium. They can be seen as bright bands radiating down, and the source seem to be real, as the ring down beams are visible both in long and short axis views from the same patient. The reverberating space is probably the pericardial space itself. The uneven distribution of the ring down beams may be due to the varying reflectivity due to different directions of the surfaces relative to the transmitted beams. | |
Ring down beam seen to originate from the apicolateral pericardium. As with sidelobes, in this case the shadow is not constant, probably due to the source moving in and out of the plane. | Parasternal image from a patient with a mechanic aortic valve, combining shadows and ring down shadows. The thick metal ring itself gives rise to an ordinary shadow from the anterior part,, while the thin part of the carbon fibre ring protruding out into the sinus valsalvae, gives rise to a ring down beam. The reverberating space may be the sinus in front of the protruding carbon ring. |
Discrete reverberations as shown above, is due to the fact that the signal remains coherent, i.e. remains reciognisable by the sacnner as a distinct echo.
Also, the echoes may be scattered in all directions, the pulse may bounce in different directions (as in the thunder animation above) before part of the reflected pulse reaches the probe. Also The refelcted signal looses it's coherence. This will not give a distinct echo like the one above, but rather more diffuse, less dense shadows, as in the example below:
Heavy reverberation band across this long axis image. The shadow is not ditinct, and thus far less coherent than the examples above. | Shadowy reverberations covering the naterior wall in this 2-chamber image. It is differentiated from the drop out shown above, as we can se a "fog" of structures covering the anterior wall. The structures are stationary. On the other hand, this is not distinct reverberations shadows, but incoherent clutter. |
Shadowy reverberations may seem of little importance, as the B-mode often is faily well visualised anyway. This is partluy due to the motion, and partly due to the second harmonic mode, which reduces the amplitude of reverberation noise, but only in the B-mode, as tissue Doppler must be done in fundamental mode due to the Nykvist limit.
The impact of reverberations on tissue Doppler are discussed below, on strain rate imaging by tissue Doppler in the measurements section, and on speckle trackingin the measurements section here and here.
Stationary echoes and noise is also referred to as "clutter". This noise may also result in a more random pattern (shadowy reverberations), resulting in a more blurred picture.
Each beam is not solely concentrated in the main beam as illustrated above. In addition, some of the energy is dispersed in side lobes originating among other things from interference as illustrated below.
Simulated beam with focusing, showing interference pattern dispersing some of the beam to the sides. (image courtesy of Hans Torp). | Side lobes from a single focussed ultrasound beam. These side lobes will also generate echoes from a scatterer hit by the ultrasound energy in the side lobes, i.e. outside the main beam. |
As echoes from a scatterer in the side lobe pathway is perceived coming from the main beam, this will result in a false echo, apparently from the main beam.. | AS the beam with side lobes sweeps back and forth a cross the sector, each echo from the scatterer in both the main beam and the side lobes will generate the false echo in the position of the main beam. | This again will result in the echo being smeared out across the sector, resulting in a smeared out echo across a large part of the sector. |
Patient with an aortic valve. The strong echo from the metal in the ring creates sidelobes across most of the sector. It can be seen to move awith the AV-plane motion as expected.
IN most cases, the sidelobes originate form less intense echoes, which gives smaller sidelobes, that are more difficult to discern from real structures.
Side lobes originating from the fusion line of the aortic cusps, seen to extend into both the LV cavity and the aortic root cavity (arrows). | As opposed to reverberations, the side lobes moves with the structure, and may change with time (in this case the echo intensity of the fusion line decreases as the valve opens, and thus the intensity of the side lobes too) . |
As opposed to reverberations, the side lobes will move as well as increase and decrease in intensity in parallel with the source of the echo as shown below.
A 2-dimensional image is built up by firing a beam vertically, waiting for the return echoes, maintaining the information and then firing a new line from a neighboring transducer along a tambourine line in a sequence of B-mode lines. In a linear array of ultrasound crystals, the electronic phased array shoot parallel beams in sequence, creating a field that is as wide as the probe length (footprint). A curvilinear array has a curved surface, creating a field in the depth that is wider than the footprint of the probe, making it possible to create a smaller footprint for easier access through small windows. This will result in a wider field in depth, but at the cost of reduced lateral resolution as the scan lines diverge.
A pulse is sent out, ultrasound is reflected, and the B-mode line is built up from the reflected signals. | Linear array. | Curvilinear array |
The linear array gives a large probe surface (footprint) and near field, and a narrow sector. A curvilinear array will also give a large footprint and near field, but with a wide sector.
But in order to achieve a footprint sufficiently small to get access to the heart between the ribs, and with a sufficiently wide far field, the beams has to diverge from virtually the same point. This means that the image has to be generated by a single beam originating from the same point, being deflected in different angles to build a sector image.
This can be achieved by a single transducer or array sending a single beam that is stepwise rotated, either mechanically or electronically.
A very small footprint can be achieved by a mechanical probe, sending only one beam, but being mechanically rotated by a motor. Finally with a slightly larger footprint, a phased array with electronic focusing and steering, can generate a beam sweeping at an angle similar to the mechanical probe. Beamforming by phased array, also enables focusing of the ultrasound beam as shown. Focusing can also be performed in a mechanical probe, by a concentric arrangement of several ring shaped transducers, an annular array. This will focus the beam in both transverse directions at the same time.
The next line in the image is then formed by a slight angular rotation , making the beam sweep across a sector:
The next line in the image is then formed by a slight angular rotation , making the beam sweep across a sector:
By making the ultrasound beam sweep over a sector, the image can be made to build up an image, consisting of multiple B-mode lines. | c. In principle, the image is built up line by line, by emitting the pulse, waiting for the reflected echoes before tilting the beam and emitting the next pulse. Resulting in an image being built up with a whole frame taking the time for emitting the total number of pulses corresponding to the total number of lines in the image. |
This means that as a pulse is sent out, the transducer has to wait for the returning echoes, before a new pulse can be sent out, generating the next line in the image.
2D echocardiography. A line is sent out, and as all echoes along the beam are received, the picture along the beam is retained, and a new beam is sent out in the neighboring region. building up the next line in the image. one full sweep of the beam will then build up a complete image; i.e one frame. A cine-loop is then a sequence of frames; i.e. a movie.
The present technology is sufficient to build up a picture wit sufficient depth and resolution with about 50 frames per second (FPS), which gives a good temporal resolution for 2D visualisation of normal heart action ( about 70 beats per min.). However, the eye has a resolution of about 25 frames per second, so there may seem to be excess information. But off-line replay may be done at reduced frame rate, thus enabling the eye to utilise a higher temporal resolution.
The width of the echo will be determined by the beam width, and thus the distance between the beams (most ultrasound scanners today will intrapolate between beams if the distance between the beams is greater than the beam width). Ideally, the distance between the beam width should be the same as the beam width at the focal depth, for maximal resolution, thus lateral resolution of a beam determining the line density. This means that the line density would be suited to the beam width. This, however, holds only for a linear array.
However, as the beam width also increases at depths greater than the focal depth, the ideal line density for a sector probe is the one where beam distances are equal to the beam width at the focal depth. This will give the best lateral resolution. A line density that is so high as to make lines overlap, will not result in increased lateral resolution. A line density that leaves gaps between the lines, will have less than optimal lateral resolution as determined by the probe aperture and focal depth.
But as the time it takes to build each line in the image for any given depth that is desired, the number of beams in an image limits the frame rate. And if a greater sector width is desired without reducing the frame rate, the line density is reduced (same number of lines over a wider angle).
Thus, the line density itself is limited by other factors as well:
Due to these factors, the line density often falls below the theoretically desirable described above, and the line density, not the probe size and wavelength becomes the limiting factor for the lateral resolution.
Two different lateral resolutions, the speckles can be seen to be "smeared". In this case the loss of resolution in the right image is due to lower line density . By rights the image should appear as split in different lines as indicated in the middle, as each beam is separated, line density being less than optimal relative to the beam width. Instead the image is interpolated beween lines. This reduction in line density is done to achieve a higher frame rate, as illustrated below. |
So a distinction should be made between the lateral beam resolution, given by the fundamental properties of the system, and the image resolution that is a compromise between the requirements of frame rate, angle width and depth.
The discussion may be extended, taking all issues into consideration:
A: Beam width. Speckles (true speckles: black) are smeared out across the whole beam width ( Apparent speckles dark grey, top). This means that with this beam width the speckles from to different layers cannot be differentiated, and layer specific motion cannot be tracked. | B: Line density. Only the lines in the ultrasound beams (black) are detected, and can be tracked, beams between lines are not detected or tracked. The spaces between lines cannot be seen in the final image due to image lateral smoothing. | C: Divergence of lines in the depth due to the sector image will both increase beam width and decrease line density in the far field. this may result in the line density and width being adequate (in this example for two layer tracking) in the near field, but inadequate in the far field, situation there being analoguous to A. | D: Focussing. The beams being focussed at a certain depth mau mean that line density may be inadequate at the focus depth. Thus speckles in some layers may be missed. IN general, the default setting will usually give the best line density at the focus depth, so unless frame rate is increased, this problem may be minor. Howewever, line density will decrease ifalso if sector width is increased, there is a given number of lines for a given frame rate and depth. In any case, in the far field, the beams will be broader, and the beam width will be more like A and C. | E: Focussing may even result in beams overlapping int the far field. A speckle in the overlap zone may be smeared out across two beams. |
Thus, the line density can be increased by
This is discussed in detail below:
To imagine moving objects, structures such as blood and heart, the frame rate is important, related to the motion speed of the object. The eye generally can only see 25 FPS (video frame rate), giving a temporal resolution of about 40 ms. However, a higher frame rate and new equipment offers the possibility of replay at lower rate, f.i. 50 FPS played at 25 FPS, which will in fact double the effective resolution of the eye.
In quantitative measurement, whether based on the Doppler effect or 2D B-mode data, sufficient frame rate is important to avoid undersampling. In Doppler, the frame rate is also important in the Nykvist phenomenon.
The temporal resolution is limited by the sweep speed of the beam. And the sweep speed is limited by the speed of sound, as the echo from the deepest part of the image has to return before the next pulse is sent out ad a different angle in the neighboring beam.
If the desired depth is reduced, the time from sending to receiving the pulse is reduced, and the next pulse (for the next beam) can be sent out earlier, thus increasing sweep speed and frame rate, as shown below.
As the depth of the sector determines the time before next pulse can be sent out, higher depth results in longer time for building each line, and thus longer time for building the sector from a given number of lines, i.e. lower frame rate. | Thus reducing the desired depth of the sector results in shorter time between pulses, and thus shorter time for building each line, shorter time for building the same number of lines, i.e. higher frame rate. In this case, the depth has been halved, and the time for building a line is also halved. |
For a depth of 15 cm, this means that the time for building one line will be 2 x 0.15 m / 1540 m/s = 0.19 ms. The frame rate is then given by the depth and the number of lines, which again is a function of sector width and line density. Thus, for 64 lines the time for a full sector will be about 12 ms, which in theory may give a frame rate of around 80 FPS, in practice the frame rate is lower, around 50.
The point of this, is that reducing the depth to the field of interest will give a higher frame rate, that can either be used for higher temporal resolution, or for increased spatial resolution or sector width (see later). Looking at commercial scanners, the effect of reducing depth is often surprisingly little, this may be due to the manufacturers automatically using the increased temporal capacity to increase line density rather than frame rate.
Still, the field of view should be limited to the field of interest. In practice, when studying the ventricles, the atria should be excluded.
In this case, in the image to the left, the depth has been halved, reducing the time for building each line to half, thus also reducing the time for building the full sector, increasing the frame rate. |
The sweep speed can also be increased by reducing the number of beams for a full sector. Reducing the number of lines in the image will reduce the time for building up the whole image. This can be achieved by either decreasing the sector angle (width), but keeping the line density, i.e. reducing the field of view but keeping lateral resolution. Decreasing the line density, but keeping the same sector angle will achieve the same increase in frame rate, but reduce lateral resolution.
A sector with a given depth, sector width and line density determines the frame rate. | Reducing sector width, but maintaining the line density, gives unchanged lateral resolution but higher frame rate, at the cost of field of view. |
Reducing the line density instead and maintaining sector width, results in lower number of lines, maintaining the field of view, and gives the same increase in frame rate, at the cost of reduced lateral resolution. |
Ultrasound acquisitions of the same ventricle at frame rate 34 ( left), 56 (middle) and 112 (right), all other setting being equal. Increased frame rate is achieved by reducing the number of lines; i.e. the line density. This can be seen as an increasing width of the speckles in the image with increasing frame rate, resulting in a lateral blurring of the image. The first step from 34 to 56 seems to retain an acceptable image quality, indicating that the line density was redundant at the lowest frame rate. ( In fact, it may seem that the image in the middle has the best quality, as the left image seems more grainy. But the graininess is the real appearance of the echoes, while the more homogeneous appearance in the middle and the left is due to smearing). However, as line density decreases toward the bottom of the sector (by the divergence of the lines), the effect is mos clearly seen here, i.e. in the atrial walls, the mitral ring and valve. In the image to the right, the endocardial definition is lost. As it is the echoes that are smeared, the effect will result in an apparent decreased cavity size.
These images also illustrates the drawback of time gain compensation, all three images has the same TGC, showing about the same brightness of the walls from base to apex, (the attenuation being offset by the TGC), but with increasing cavity noise.
However, a method for increasing the frame rate for a given sector and line density, is to fire a wide transmit (Tx) beam, and listen on more narrow receiver (Rx) beams (crystals) simultaneously. This is called multiple line acquisition (MLA), and is illustrated below:
In this example, a wide beam is fired, and for each of the four transmit beams, there are four receiver beams (4MLA). thus, the frame rate is increased fourfold for the same number of lines.
The MLA has limitations that are especially important in forming the B-mode image.
Especially the last point will result in MLA artefacts, that are visible as longitudinal lines of blocks in the B-mode image as shown below:
MLA angle discrepancy. The width of one transmit beam is exaggerated for visualisation. One wide beam is transmitted, and four narrow recieve beams. The transmit beam has has a main direction shown by the red arrow. The receive beams has directions (blue arrows) with an angle to the transmit beam, and this angle increases with increasing distance of the receive beam from the middle of the transmit, i.e. with the MLA factor. | MLA angle artefacts in B-mode. Left: single line acquistion, where frame rate is acquired by a fairly low line density, and the image is then smoothed with interpolation between scanlines as described above, right, 4MLA acquisition. This should in principle result in a quadrupling of the number of lines, and an image with better lateral resolution. However, the increasing angle deviation between the Tx beam and the RX beams in the lateral parts of the Tx, will result in the lines being visible as blocks, the improvement in image quality being negligible or none. Image courtesy of Tore Bjaastad. |
Image smoothing this in the image will result in "smearing", and hence, reduced resolution again. Thus, increasing frame rate with MLA and then smoothing the image, becomes similar to increasing frame rate by reduced line density. Thus, in B-mode, where image quality is the main focus, there has been a practical limitation of 2 MLA.
In tissue Doppler, the image quality is of less concern, as the main emphasis is on velocity data, rather than image quality. Thus, the MLA factor, and hence, the frame rate of tissue Doppler is thus usually higher, but at the cost of lower lateral resolution. This may not be apparent, unless one compares data across the beams. An example can be seen here. In practice, the MLA factor can at least be increased to 4 MLA.
However, modern equipment will allow more data to be transmitted directly into the scanner, and modern computer technology allows more data processing at higher speed. Thus, technology will become far more complex, and neither traditional beamforming nor image processing conforms to the simple principles described here, but they will still serve to give an idea. And the physical principles still apply.
In practice, for modern B-mode, frame rates will become similar to colour tissue Doppler, when the MLA artefact preoblem is dealt with.
3D ultrasound increases complexity a lot, resulting in a new set of additional challenges.
The number of crystals need to be increased, typically from between 64 and 128 to between 2000 and 3000. However, the probe footprint still needs to be no bigger than being able to fit between the ribs. And the aperture size must still be adequate for image resolution.
The number of data channels increases also by the square, from 64 to 642 = 4096. This means that the transmission capacity of the probe connector needs to be substatially increased, and some processing has to take place in the probe itself to reduce number of transmission channels. .
The number of lines also increase by the square of the number for 2D, given the same line density, meaning that each plane shall have the same number of lines, and a full volume then shall be n=built by the same number of planes. This means that given 64 lines per plane, the number of planes should be 64, which means a total of 64 x 64 = 4096 lines. This means that the frame rate (usually termed the "volume rate" in 3D imaging), will be 0.19 ms x 4096 = 778 ms, or about 0.8 secs. Meaning about 1 volume per heartbeat for a heart rate of 75. This is illustrated below.
Building a 2D sector with lines. (Even though each line (and the sector) has a definite thickness, this is usually not considered in 2D imaging, except in beamforming for image quality. | Building a 3D volume. Each plane has the same number of lines as in the 2D sector to the left, and takes as long to build. The number of planes equals the number of lines in each plane. Here is shown only the building of the first plane (compare with left), but the time spent on each of the following planes are in proportoion. The time for a full volume is then equal to the square of the number of lines in each plane. |
This means that full volume 3D ultrasound has to pay a price of a substantially reduction in both frame rate and line density (resolution) at the same time. Thus, the lateral resolution is poor in 3D acquisition compared to 2D acquisition. The images can be seen to be very smoothed, compared to 2D.
Possible compensations are:
Gated volume acquisition (stitching). In this case of four heartbeats. Only one fourth of the full volume is taken in one heartbeat, so the full heartbeat is used for increased number of lines and planes, as well as shortening the time for the acquisition of the partial volume. In the next heartbeat, the next fourth of the volume is acquired, and so on acquiring a full volume in four heartbeats. The four partial volumes are then aligned by ECG gating into one reconstructed volume, and the reconstructed volume thus has the same volume rate as the four partial volumes.
Thus, the limitation in 3D sector size can be used both for more lines (resolution) and increased volume rate. However, the reconstructed acquisition is no longer real time.
Volume acquisition can then be displayed as either a surface rendering, or multiple section planes through the volume:
Surface rendering of a 3D volume. The image shows a cut through the LV between base and apex, looking down toward the base, the papillary muscles and mitral valve can be seen. The illustration also shows that the temporal resolution is to low to actually show the opening of the mitral valve during trial systole, only a slight flicker can be seen at end diastole. | The same volume, now displayed as a series of short axis slices from apex (top left) to base (bottom right). A slight stiching artefact (spatial discontinuity) can be seen in the anterior wall (top of each slice). |
The rendering is mainly useful for morphology, especially valves, but here, TEE gives better images. The short axis slices are more useful in assessing wall motion.
The disadvantage of this is that each full-volume heart cycle is constructed from multiple beats, and small movements, f.i. by respiration, may result in mis alignment of wall segments. The acquisition is thus usually taken in a breathold, and thus there is a practical limitation to the number of beats that can be stitched. Usually four to six are used, six being at the limit for many patients. Four beats, by most vendors now will result in a volume rate of around 20 VPS.
Any small movement will result in mis alignment of the sub volumes, with a sharp boundary within the volume where there is both spatial and temporal discontinuity (stitching artefact).
3D acquisition of a ventricle with inferior infarct. The display is shown as the apical planes to the left, and nine cross sectional planes to the right, going from the apex (top left) to the base (bottom right - reading order). The infarct can be seen as inferoseptal a - to dyskinesia in the basal sections. The image also illustrates that the software can be enabled to track the planes, thus eliminating out of plane artefacts when evaluating wall motion. Note that there is drop outs that cannot be eliminated by moving the imaging plane, in the anterior wall. Image courtesy of Dr. A. Thorstensen . | Styitching artefacts. In this volume, reconstructed from four heartbeats, i.e. four sub volumes, there are stitching artefacts between each of the sub volumes. This is due to motion of either the heart (f.i.) because of respiration, or of the probe. In the inferior wall (bottom of each slice), the spatial discontinuity is very evident, less so at the other stiches,, but in the anterior wall there is a discontinuity that illudes a dyssynergy. |
For correct display of the left ventricle, the imaging plane has to transect the apex. This is ensured by finding the apex beat by palpation. However, the apex does not necessarily offer the optimal window for imaging, and the intercostal space above may give a better view. However, this may lead to a geometrical distortion as illustrated below:
Correct transapical plane (blue) versus foreshortened plane (yellow). Firstly, it is evident that the foreshortened plane excludes parts of the apical wall, but the foreshortened image still shows an ellipsoid figure, so the foreshortening is not immediately evident. There is an angle between the planes (), and the apparent longitudinal wall in the foreshortened image is actually partly circumferential.
This is shown in the images below:
Foreshortening. The three images are taken with identical gain, compress and reject settings. Left: correct apical position, showing the apex in the centre of the sector. The wall vivibility is poor. MIddle: by moving the probe one intercostal space higher, the wall visibility becomes much better. However, the ventricle canbe seen to be foreshortened, being much shorter than in the left image. But this is only evident by the comparison, without the reference image to the left, this is not apparent, as the (virtual) apex is in the centre of the sector. However, rotationg the probe to the two-chamber posisition, reveals that the apex in fact is not in the centre at all, thus the four chamber image is foreshortened.
The foreshortened image in four chamber view may seem to be better, at least for wall motion assessment, but the consequences may be:
Stress echo image at peak stress. The foreshortened image to the left shows good wall visibility, and apparent normal wall motion in all segments. Left: correct placement of the probe as seen by the slighty longer ventricle, shows poorer visibility, but the akinetic apicolateral part of the wall is evident, showing how foreshortening may almost totally mask any abnormality in the apex (Although some asynchrony may be seen).
Another example is shown below:
In this case, there is foreshortening in the four chamber view (left), which is not very evident. However, automatic adjustment of probe position when rotating to 2-chamber view (middle) and long axis view (left) masks the fact that there is foreshortening. The para apical position in the two latter views, however, is evident by the inward motion of the apical endocardium.
- and the apical aneurysm evident on this ventriculogram is missed.
Non linear propagation of the signal in the body, leads to distortion of the waves in the signal. But this again leads to a dispersion of the wavelength content in the signal, as assessed by Fourier analysis in the received signal.
Non-linear propagation. The upper panel shows the waveform of a pulse as originally transmitted, and after 6 mm transmission through tissue. The lower panels shows how the energy distribution is shifted to a more evenly distribution between more frequencies. (image courtesy of Hans Torp).
By Fourier analysis it is thus possible to send at half the frequency (typical 1.7 MHz as opposed to 3.4 MHz in native imaging), but receive at the same frequency (the second harmonic frequency: Twice the frequency is one octave higher). Thus, it improves penetration, which is important especially in obese subjects, while it retains the resolution (almost).
Fourier analysis of the resulting signal in native frequency (left) and second harmonic mode (left) shows that the native signal contains much more energy at all depth, while the harmonic signal contains most of the energy at a certain depth, in this case at the level of the septum, showing a much better signal-to-noise ratio.(image courtesy of Hans Torp). | Energy distribution of the signal from cavity (lower curve) and septum (upper curve), showing the same phenomenon as the middle picture. The difference between cavity signal (being mostly clutter) and tissue is small in the native frequency domain (1.7 MHz), but there is little clutter at the harmonic frequency (3.4 MHz). Thus, filtering the native signal will reduce clutter, as shown below. (image courtesy of Hans Torp). |
The noise from clutter and aberrations is mainly in the primary frequency, so the use of second harmonic will suppress noise, improving the noise-to-signal ratio. Also, the echoes from the side lobes are mainly in the primary frequency and will be reduced in second harmonic imaging.
Harmonic imaging, however removes all energy in the primary frequency. This means that there is an over all reduction in the reflected energy, even with improved signal to noise ratio. This means that there is limitations to how low it is possible to go in trnsmit energy (for instance i contrast echo). In addition, focussing is more important as this consentrates the energy in the beam.
Thus second harmonic imaging leads to:
1: Reduced noise and side lobe artifacts
2: Improved depth penetration.
Examples of the effect of harmonic imaging can be seen below.
The same image in harmonic (left) and fundamental (right) mode, showing the improved signal-to-noise ratio in harmonic imaging, especially in rducing noise from the cavity. (Thanks to Eirik Nestaas for correcting my left-right confusion in this image text) | Stationary reverberation in harmonic (left) and fundamental (right) imaging, showing the effect of harmonic imaging on clutter. |
However, due to the increase in pulse length with lower frequency, harmonic imaging also leads to:
3: Thicker echoes from speckles as discussed above.
Fundamental (left) and harmonic (right) images of the left ventricle at the level of the chorda tendineae. The echo of the chorda (blue arrow) can be seen to be thicker in harmonic imaging, due to the longer pulse length. The echo generates a side lobe that can be seen to the right of the chorda. The side lobe is more prominent in fundamental than harmonic imaging. Note also the reduction in cavity noise from the right and left ventricle in the harmonic image.
Halving the transmit frequency will also halve the Nykvist limit, and thus is less suited to Doppler imaging as will be discussed below.
While global LV function can be assessed by longitudinal motion measures of the mitral ring; annular velocity (S') and annular displacement (MAPSE), both global and regional function can be measured byt the motion measures per length unit, strain rate and strain.
In order to asses regional motion, one has to access multiple (minimum two) measurements at different sites in order to do a spatial derivation of the difference, as explained in the basic concepts section..
In the present ultrasound the methods available for multiple sites motion measurement, are speckle tracking and colour tissue Doppler.
The gray scale image is seen to consist of a speckled pattern. The pattern is not the actual image of the scatterers in the tissue itself, but the interference pattern generated by the reflected ultrasound:
Interference pattern. Here is simulated two wave sources or scatterers at the far field (white points). The emitted or reflected waves are seen to generate a speckle pattern (oval dots) as the amplitude is increased where wave crests cross each other, while the waves are neutralised where a wave crest crosses a though. This can be seen by throwing two stones simultaneously in still water . The speckle pattern can be seen in front of the scatterers, towards the probe. | Irregular interference pattern. This is generated by more scatterers somewhat randomly distributed. The speckle pattern is thus random too. Again there may be a considerable distance between the speckles and the scatterers generating the pattern. |
The speckle pattern can be used to track myocardial motion due to two facts about the speckle pattern:
1. The randomness of the speckle pattern ensures that each region of the myocardium has its own unique speckle pattern: that can differentiate a region from other region | 2. The speckle pattern remains reasonably stable, and the speckles follow the myocardial motion. This can be demonstrated by M-mode, showing how the speckle pattern follows the myocardial motion. | Defining a kernel in the myocardium will define a speckle pattern within (red). Within a defined search area ( blue), the new position of the kernel in the next frame (green) can be recognised by finding the matchin speckle pattern in a new position. The movement of the kernel (thick blue arrow) can then be measured. | Speckle tracking search algorithm. The kernel is defined in the original frame at t=0 (red square). In the next frame, at t=t, the algorithm defines a search area (white square), and the search is conducted in all directions for the matching kernel. |
Thus, speckle tracking is basically pattern recognition, identifying an area (kernel) in one frame, and then tracking by identifying the kernel with the best match in the next frame.
Thus, the kernel can be tracked from frame to frame as illustrated here
The algorithm for this seas is simple, it simply searches for the area with the smallest difference in the total sum of pixel values, the smallest sum of absolute differences (SAD). This has been shown to be as effective as cross correlation (246, 247). However, the speckle pattern will not repeat perfectly. This is due to both true out of plane motion (rotation and torsion relative to apical planes and longitudinal deformation relative to short axis planes) and to small changes in the interference pattern. But the frame to frame change is small, and the approach to recognition is statistical. This means, however, that the search should be done from frame to frame, the changes over longer time intervals will be to great.
Speckle tracking can be done by a two-dimensional search. Defining a kernel region in the myocardium will define the speckle pattern within. The initial frame is shown in red. Within a defined search area (marked in blue), the new position of this kernel can be recognised by finding the same speckle pattern within a like-sized frame in a new position. This indicates that each speckle has moved the same distance in the same direction (thin blue arrows), and the movement of the whole kernel then will have been the same (thick blue arrow). The size of the kernel defines the spatial resolution, and the size of the search region is defined by the maximal expected displacement from frame to frame. Higher frame rate will mean a smaller search region, if the velocity is the same. In practice, the speckle pattern does not repeat perfectly. However, every kernel has a unique speckle pattern due to the random nature of speckles. Finding the new position of the kernel can then be reduced to finding the like-sized area with the smallest difference or error in total pixel intensity with a trial matching kernel sized region within the search area. This is called the sum of absolute differences (SAD).
Where K is the original kernel area and Kt is a like sized area in the new location. The new kernel position is the area with the smallest SAD within the search region. This has been shown to track well-developed speckle patterns as accurately as normalized cross correlation (246).
In practice and in two dimensions, the algortihm works as (247):
Cross correlation can be used to weight the movement of the original kernel region to the kernel region with the lowest value for SAD method (248):
This is dependent on both line width (being dependent again on frequency and focus depth), and line density (being dependent on frame rate and sector width). In addition, there has to be adequate alignment of the ultrasound beam, as angle deviation will reduce the number of lines within the wall in the far field. This is true for speckle tracking as well as tissue Doppler. Finally, focusing of the beams will result in different lateral resolution at different depths.
Speckle tracking has the advantage of a higher line density of B-mode, at the cost of a lower temporal resolution. The very low lateral resolution used in tissue Doppler in order to achieve a high frame rate, results in a low line density, and in practice limits the measurement in the beams in the longitudinal (and tangential - for circimferential measures) direction to the entire wall thickness, for a standard set up.
A: Beam width. Speckles (true speckles: black) are smeared out across the whole beam width ( Apparent speckles dark grey, top). This means that with this beam width the speckles from to different layers cannot be differentiated, and layer specific motion cannot be tracked. | B: Line density. Only the lines in the ultrasound beams (black) are detected, and can be tracked, beams between lines are not detected or tracked.and differential mtion of the two speckles cannot be tracked. The spaces between lines cannot be seen doe to image lateral smoothing. | C: Divergence of lines in the depth due to the sector image will both increase beam width and decrease line density in the far field. this may result in the line density and width being adequate (in this example for two layer tracking) in the near field, but inadequate in the far field, situation there being analoguous to A. | D: Focussing. The beams being focussed at a certain depth mau mean that line density may be inadequate at the focus depth. Thus speckles in some layers may be missed. IN general, the default setting will usually give the best line density at the focus depth, so unless frame rate is increased, this problem may be minor. Howewever, line density will decrease ifalso if sector width is increased, there is a given number of lines for a given frame rate and depth. In any case, in the far field, the beams will be broader, and the beam width will be more like A and C. | E: Focussing may even result in beams overlapping int the far field. A speckle in the overlap zone may be smeared out across two beams. |
In principle, pure speckle tracking is direction independent, and can track crosswise. Thus, in principle, there should be no angle effect, as the tracking occurs in the direction of the motion.
However, lateral resolution is important in delineating the speckles in the lateral direction. If the lateral resolution is low, the interpolation will result in a "smeared" picture, with speckles that are nor so easily tracked in the lateral direction. In addition the lateral resolution decreases in depth with sector probes.
LOngitudinal speckle tracking in apical 4 chamber view. The resulting tracking of the kernels shown in motion. As can be seen, with a drop out apicolateral, this ROI tracks less than perfect, giving too low strain both in LA and MA segments. | Speckle tracking can be applied crosswise. In this parasternal long axis view, the myocardial motion is tracked both in axial and transverse (longitudinal) direction. It is evident that the tracking is far poorer in the inferior wall, due to the poor lateral resolution at greater depth. |
Also, drop outs and reverberations will affect the tracking, and in the lateral direction, low lateral resolution will "smear" the speckles in the lateral direction, making tracing less perfect, as can be seen in the parasternal long axis image above. It also means that the lateral tracking will be poorer with increasing depth (as the lines diverge as well as becoming wider). Thus, in fact there is some angle distortion in speckle tracking which is the same mechanism as in B-mode measurement and M-mode tracking as discussed above.
This is illustrated below:
Angle dependency of speckle tracking is related to lateral resolution. Left good resolution, as the speckles move, the kernel (rectangle) follows the speckle pattern. Right, poor resolution. As the speckles move, the kernel will follow the vertical motion, due to better radial resolution. The kernel will be unable to follow the lateral motion, at least until all the kernels have crossed the kernel boundary. This mean that there is only tracking along the ultrasound beam.
There is reduced lateral resolution with depth, with increased frame rate (if obtained with reduced line density), and with near shadows reducing virtual aperture.
This might lead to angle dependence of speckle tracking strain as shown here.
Contamination by epicardial signals, averaging non moving structures into the deformation analysis may be possible, and this tendency might be highest in the outer layer, decreasing inwards. This might also account for an apparent transmural gradient of longitudinal strain, increasing inwards.
If analysing longitudinal layer strain from apical positions should make sense, it should probably be done with ,
The newest hardware has improved B-mode line density as well as frame rate.
However, studies of longitudinal layer strain from apical full sectors older than about 2012 may be dubious, and if focus and line density is not reported, actually valueless. After we pointed this out, the measurement of transmural strain has been disallowed in the apical views in this application.
Drop outs (shadows) with no signal, of course will show no speckles, and there will be no motion tracking in the area:
Reverberations affect speckle tracking, as the reverberation zone will show no motion, but if the zone below the reverberation moves normally, but will show increased compression, the zone above the reverberation will show reduced motion.
Reverberation in the lateral wall affecting speckle tracking. As is visually evident, the application does not track across the reverberation, thus the two segments apical to the reverberations are seen as akinetic, the basal as hyperkinetic. All shortening is seen in the basal segment. In this case, the smoothing is seen to spread the effect of the reverberation out across two segments apical to the reverberation.
The speckle pattern will not repeat perfectly. This is due to both true out of plane motion (rotation and torsion relative to apical planes and longitudinal deformation relative to short axis planes) and to small changes in the interference pattern. But the frame to frame change is small, and the approach to recognition is statistical, the basic algorithms are shown here. Still, small inaccuracies in tracking may cause over all drift in the tracking. If there is a non random element of appearance and disappearance of these speckles, there will be an over all drift of the kernel relative to the myocardium.
Drift in ultrasound. As speckles disappear out of plane, or by changing interference pattern, this may cause less than perfect tracking. The kernel is defined in frame 1, indicated by the red rectangle. In the next frame, due to out of plane motion, or simply changes in reflectivity some of the speckles disappear or have lower intensity in the next frame due to complete or partial out of plane motion in the B-mode image. Then the kernel may find a slightly different area as the new kernel position. (Especially if the tracking is done by the sum of absolute differences where the identification rests with the summed intensity within the kernel area). In frame 2, the true kernel motion is identified by the dark grey rectangle, the tracking, however, identifies the new position as the red rectangle. Some of the speckles above the kernel have decreased in intensity, while the speckles below have all increased. In frame 3, further changes in speckle visibility results in further slippage, i.e. slippage in relation to frame 2, which then is a larger cumuated slippage from frame 1. Two speckles from frame 2 above the kernel have disappeared, four speckles have decreased in intensity. Two speckles below the kernel have increased. The true position of the kernel from frame 1 is indicated by the light grey rectangle, the position of the red kernel from frame 2 by the dark grey rectangle, and the tracking by the red rectangle.
This is a potential. Most of the speckle appearence and disappearence may be random, causing random noise instead.
This means, however, that the with lower frame rate, the changes from frame to frame are greater, resulting in poorer tracking. Higher heart rate (f.i. in stress) will result in the same, as the number of frames per cycle will be reduced, i.e. lower relative frame rates.
Thus: speckle tracking is frame rate sensitive:
Thus, both too high and too low frame rate may affect speckle tracking adversely. With the present equipment, the optimal frame rate seems to be between 40 - 70 if image quality is good, slightly higher with poorer image quality.
This is a fundamental property of speckle tracking, and the drift from start of cycle to end of cycle may actually be used as a criterion for quality of speckle tracking. And even more advanced comparing tracking forwards and backwards through the whole cycle , f.i. by cross correlation. It may be less with a higher frame rate. (Although that will lead to more angle dependency). If the speckle tracking is used for calculating a velocity field as the primary variable, as in 2D strain, the integration to displacement an strain will result in further drift by cumulating small errors. In addition undersampling is a property of low frame rate, i.e. B-mode. This reduces peak velocity, and the peak values is even more reduced if smoothing is applied before integration as it is in 2D strain.
As speckle tracking can track in both transverse and axial directions, with a sufficient number of kernels, deformation can in principle be measured in two dimensions.
It's also important in dealing with applications to realise that not all apparent tracking is true speckle tracking, some of the motion seen in the image may be due to an advanced algorithm using information from other parts of the image:
False speckle tracking. This is due to the algorithm using motion data from the mitral ring, distributing it along the ROI in a kind of "model" of the motion for smoothing, in order to reduce the imapact of drift and other sources of noise. As can be seen, in this image it "tracks" even if there are no speckles. This, however, is not true tracking, the bullets move according to the model calculating where they should be
Within its limitations, however, speckle tracking can be used for measuring displacement, velocity, strain and strain rate as described below. And new computational techniques has served to increase both focus and frame rate of B-mode, especially after leaving the crude MLA approach, thus inmprovements in 2D speckle ltracking may be expected as well. However, speckle tracking can not become better than the eye, motion that cannot be seen by the eye (provided one zooms the image and replays in slow motion), as speckle tracking only tracks the visible speckles.
In fact, the eye is better in recognising motion from non-motion, as we have specialised neural circuits for that. (And of course the speckle tracking is better in analysing the whole of the sector simultaneously.
Hypothetically, 3D speckle tracking may have some advantages over 2D:
However, the limitations of 3D ultrasound is still very severe:
In practice, the temporal and resolution is so low, as to make 3D speckle tracking inferior. And as 2D image with modern computational techniques improve in both resolution AND frame rate, 2D speckle tracking seems to increase it's edge.
In a recent study (271) of myocardial infarcts, 3D strain did not show incremental diagnostic value to the other modalities. 3D longitudinal strain was inferior to 2D longitudinal strain, and 3D Circumferential, longitudinal and area strain did not add information, as opposed to infarct area by tissue Doppler (273).
The Doppler effect. As the velocity of sound in air (or any other medium ) is constant, the sound wave will propagate outwards in all directions with the same velocity, with the center at the point where it was emitted. As the engine moves, the next sound wave is emitted from a point further forward, i.e. with the center a little further forward. Thus the distance between the wave crests is decreased in the direction of the motion, and increased in the opposite direction. As the distance between the wave crests is equal to the wavelength, wavelength decreases (i.e. sound frequency increases) in front of the engine, and increases (sound frequency decreases) behind it. This effect can be heard, as the pitch of the train whistle ishigher coming towards a listener than moving away, changing as it passes. The effect on the pitch of the train whistle was published directly, but later than Doppler and Buys Ballot.
If the sound source is stationary, the effect on moving observer is similar. The train will meet the wave crest with shorter intervals, as the train moves into the incoming sound. In ultrasound, the wave is sent from a stationary transducer, the moving blood or muscle is firstly moving towards the transducer and then following the reflected wave towards the transducer, thus the Doppler shift is approximately twice as great. In the case of reflected ultrasound, the Doppler shift is:
Christian Andreas Doppler | Christophorus Henricus Diedericus Buys-Ballot |
Über das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einiger anderer Gestirne des Himmels. Abhandlungen der königl. Böhm. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 1843; 2: 465-82 | Akustische Versuche auf der Niederländischen Eisenbahn nebst gelegentlichen Bemerkungen zur Theorie des Hrn. Prof. Doppler. Poggendorfs Annalen der Phüsik und Chemie 1845; 66: 321-351 |
Doppler attempted to explain the colour variations of double stars by the observed velocity variations caused by the rotations, relative to the observer. This, however was wrong, the colour variations had nothing to do with the Doppler effect. However, the work was purely theoretical, and mathematically correct. Trying to disprove the Doppler effect, he experimented with musicians blowing pure notes on trumpets placed on flatbed railway carriages, observed by listeners with absolute pitch, and could demonstrate the differences in sound when the musicians moved towards the observers, stood still, or moved away from the observer. He ended up providing evidence of the theory.
The following is the original derivation of the equation by CA Doppler:
The Doppler effect is the effect of the velocity of the observer (A) or the wave source (B) on the perceived wavelength,. The basic fact is that the velocity of a wave, c, is constant in a given medium, and equal to the number of oscillations per second, times the wavelength (length of one oscillation):
And thus
The time of one oscillation is the time it takes for the wave to move one wavelength is:
The Doppler effect for a moving source and a stationary observer. In the time the original wave has moved a wavelength | The Doppler effect for a stationary wave source and a moving observer. In the time the wave has moved the distance |
If the source moves toward a stationary observer In the time the wave moves one wavelength, the source moves the distance:
and thus: and: the change in frequency, the Doppler shift by the velocity of a moving source is:
| An observer (blue) moving towards a stationary wavesource with the velocity: will meet the wave as the wave have moved a distance
The motion of the observer thus shortens the original wavelength and thus:
the change in frequency, the Doppler shift by the velocity of a moving observer is: |
For reflected ultrasound
so velocity can be calculated from the frequency shift of reflected ultrasound.
Continuous emission of ultrasound enables direct measurement of the return frequency, and thus the Doppler shift and velocity.
The emitted frequency is shown in blue, hitting a reflector. If the reflector moves towards the wave source, the frequency in the reflected signal will be higher (orange), if the reflector moves away from the source, the frequency will be lower (grey).
However, there will be more than one frequency in the reflected signal, due both to the bandwidth of the signal, as well as true dispersion of velocities (most important in blood flow Doppler).
Freque4ncy spectrum. The Doppler frequencies are distributed according to this frequency - amplitude diagram. Tissue echoes has high amplitude of the reflected signal, but low velocities (usually on the order of 1/10 of flow, resulting in low Doppler frequencies). Blood has higher, and more dispersed velocities with a wider distribution, and more varied, but lower amplitude.
Spectral Doppler from a patient with Aortic regurgitation. The image shows energy in a velocity range between -3 to +7 m/s, with energies distributed over the whole range. The random noise can be seen in the background, where there is no flow signal.
Frequencies can be resolveded by a method called Fast Fourier transform. Fourier transform of a wave is the method where a wave can be decomposed into sine waves with different wavelength (as described under harmonic imaging). Fast Fourier trasnsform, however, only decomposes the wave into the amplitudes of the different energies as illustrated below.
As described above, the reflected signal contains multiple Doppler frequencies, because the blood flow has multiple velocities. This is shown above, left ,exemplified by three velocities. Different amounts of the blood have different velocities, as indicated by the line thicknesses.Below. left, is shown the compound curve resulting from the three frequencies, which is the signal received by the probe. Fourier analysis can resolve the frequencies into different sine curves with different frequencies again. In this case is shown the fast Fourier transform, which only shows the amount of blood with eaqch frequency (by the amplitude), instead of resolving the full set of frequencies. The different amount of blood with each velocity is shown by different amplitudes of the signal.
Amplitude is displayed as brightness, in a manners similar to B.mode, while Frequency / Velocity are displayed on the y - axis and time on the x - axis. This results in the typical Doppler flow velocity curves:
Typical spectral flow curves. Left: Flow in the Left ventricular outflow, right in the mitral annulus. Velocities toward the probe (positive Doppler shift) are shown as positive velocities, velocities away from the probe (negative Doppler shift) are shown as negative velocities. The velocities are sampled at a certain depth by pulsed Doppler (see below). Thus, the velocity distribution is limited to a fairly narrow band. Note the absence of velocities near zero, due to the high pass filter.
At the same time, the amplitude is a function of the velocities, in pulsed Doppler, corresponding to the dispersion of the velocities in the sample volume.
as shown below:
Mitral flow, showing a fairly narrow spectrum band, indicating a relatively homogeneous velocity distribution within the sample volume, which is placed between the tip of the mitral cusps during filling, where the inflow jet is most narrow.. | Pulmonary venous flow in the same subject, showing a wide distribution of velocities, within the sample volume placed in the right upper pulmonary vein. The sample volume is the same size.Venous velocities are much lower, but also varies from 0 to 0.5 m/s simultaneously. |
Continuous vs pulsed wave Doppler. In continuous Doppler, one half of the aperture is dedicated sending, and one half receiving the reflected signal. Both signals are continuous, and all frequencies can be sampled continuously between each pulse from the overlap region. But the frequencies are received from all depths simultaneously, so there is no information about which depth the received signal originates. There is range ambiguity. The modality is best suited to measure peak velocities where they are high. Pulsed wave Doppler on the other hand, as shown below, uses the whole aperture for both send and transmit. A pulse package, consisting of at least two pulses is sent out, and the receive signal is sampled at a certain time, corresponding to a certain depth. The method shows the depth where the velocity corresponds to the spectrum. However, the pulsed modality results in a practical limitation in how high velocities that can be sampled, limited by theNykvist phenomenon (aliasing) as explained below. Thus, pw Doppler shows velocity ambiguity above the Nykvist limit.
The width is the same as the beam width, and the length of the sample volume is equal to the length of the pulse.
Thus, in cw Doppler the sampling frequency equals the pulse repetition frequency. Continuous Doppler will measure all velocities along the ultrasound beam: The beam is transmitted continuously, and the received echoes are sampled continuously with no range gating. Thus, there is no information about the time interval from the signal to the reflection, and, hence, no information about the depth of the received signal; the signal may come from any depth. Cw Doppler will then sample all velocities in the sensitive region, irrespectively of depth, there is range ambiguity. The continuous Doppler has no Nykvist limit, and can measure maximal velocities. It is used for measuring high velocities.
As cw Doppler emits with one part of the transducer and receives with another, the direct analysis of the reflected frequency is feasible, and the velocity can be calculated directly from the Doppler shift.
In pw Doppler, the analysis is done in terms of the phase shift: A wave can be described as a sine wave, and thus, any point on the wave can be described by which phase of the wave the point is. The phase of a point is represented as an angle. as illustrated below:
Phase analysis. If the waveform is treated as a sine curve, every point on the curve corresponds to an angle, and the phase of the point in the curve can be described by this angle; the phase angle | However, from the diagram at the top, it is evident that by sampling the waveform only once, the phase is ambiguous, it is not possible to separate the phase of point a from point b. The two points are separated by a quarter of a wavelength, or 90° ( |
Shooting at least two (or more) pulses in rapid sequence, (NOT to be confused by sampling one pulse at two timepoints as illustrated above) results in the possibility to analyse the Doppler shift in terms of the phase shift between the pulses. The phase shift analysis is based on the principle that when pulse 2 hits a moving scatterer, the scatterer will have moved a little away from, or towards the probe, and the return pulse 2 will then be in a different phase from pulse 1. The distance the scatterer has moved, is, of course a function of the velocity of the scatterer and the time between pulses.
Two pulses sent toward a scatterer with a time delay t = t2 - t1 = 1/PRF. Given that the scatterer has a velocity, it will have moved a distance, s, that is a function of the velocity and the time (s = v x
t). Thus, pulse 2 travels a longer (or shorter) distance equal to s, before it is reflected. During the time pulse2 has traveled the distance d to the new position of the scatterer and back to the point of the reflection of pulse 1, i.e. a distance 2d, pulse 1 has traveled the same distance away from the first reflection point, so the distance between the pulses have increased by 2s.
The pulses are emitted by a certain frequency, and the time between the pulses are
The distance one pulse travels in this interval before the emission of the next pulse is given by the speed of sound
But as seen above, a distance along a sine curve, is equivalent with a phase angle, and d as a fraction of a full wavelength equals the phase angle as a fraction of :
If the two pulses are sent towards a moving scatterer, they will be reflected from the scatterer at two different times separated by an interval , and in this interval the scatterer will have moved a distance given by the velocity of the scatterer
and this distance is traversed back and forth by the second pulse, as shown by the illustration above.
The time between the two pulses represent 1/PRF. The Doppler shift is very small compared to the ultrasound frequency. A velocity of 100 cm/s with a ultrasound frequency of 3.5 MHz results in a maximum Doppler shift of 2.3 KHz. The solution to this problem is shooting multiple pulses in the same direction and This results in a new signal with one sample from each pulse, the Doppler curve from this signal will be a new curve with the frequency equal to the Doppler shift.
A series of pulses shot successively. It is also evident the even without motion, there is a phase shift between pulses, but this is equal for transmitted and reflected ultrasound | Measuring the velocity of an object by phase analysis. The velocity of the scatterer is shown by the dotted red line, showing the phase in each pulse, and then the phase shift through the pulse package is illustrated by the full sinusoid red line shown to the left, where the troughs and peaks of the red line represents the scatterer's position at the peaks and troughs of each pulse, i.e. the phase in trelation to the twop pulses. In principle, the phase shift can be sampled between each pulse pair. The sinusoid curve is the phase shift curve, and the frequency is equal to the Doppler frequency. |
The low frequency sinusoid curve represent the Doppler shift frequency, which again is proportional to the velocity, and the sampling frequency is thus equal to the pulse repetition frequency PRF.
Spectral analysis can also be done in Pw Doppler. Using more pulses per package, a spectral analysis can be resolved showing the distribution of velocities within the range window. Typically, this will be a spectral band of velocities, if the flow is laminar, while cw Doppler , showing all velocities at all depths will show the velocities "smeared out" over the whole range.
Cw Doppler signal from LVOT. The velocities can be seen to be present in all ranges, although the peak velocities are close to the curve shown by Pw Doppler to the left. The reason for the wider distribution, is that all velocities from the whole LVOT acceleration zone are displayed. In addition, a part of the mitral flow can be seen as well, showing that the overlap area of the two cw sectors is less well focused. | Pw Doppler signal from the same LVOT. Most of the velocities can be seen to be collected in a narrow band, roughly corresponding to the peak velocities of the cw Doppler. Also, there is less contamination from the mitral flow, as the sample volume (range gate) is in the focused part of the beam. | In pw Doppler flow, modal velocity is the middle of the band, and represents the mean velocity within the sample volume. |
Using pulsed Doppler, the interval between the pulses can be used for updating the B-mode. However, this means that the B-mode pulses will interfere with the phase analysis at the start and end of the Doppler pulse, and reduce the signal quality of Doppler. In cw Doppler this will be even more pronounced. Thus, the signal will detorierate if B-mode is active, and the rule is to freeze B-mode when Doppler is acquired.
Signal quality with B-mode active and frozen. B-mode is frozen during Doppler acquisition, at the time of the white arrow, as evidenced by the break in the Doppler curve. The improvement in Doppler quality is evident.
As can be seen from the illustrations above, the velocity spectrum has a certain width. In the blood, this partly reflects the spread of velocities between the multiple scatterers in the blood, i.e. the dispersion of velocities within the sample volume.
The width of the spectrum will also be influenced by gain.
Pw Doppler recording from aorta descendens. Gain is set so high that the thermal noise is very visible. The main (modal) velocities is shown to be in a saturated band. | Same recording at low gain. The modal velocities is still visible, while the less intense velocities above that are not visible, and the band is narrower, thus the peak velocities will be slightly lower. |
Mitral flow in high gain. Around the main spectrum is seen some noise spikes. | Same recording in low gain, removes noise spikes. |
Which amount of gain to use is a question of the data that are interesting. In cw Doppler, the main issue is usually peak velocities (high velocities), so gain should be high enough to show these. This means gain should be high enough, not to loose the highest values, in practice the thermal noise should be visible. In pulsed Doppler that might be the case in vascular Doppler, where the peak velocities (in the centre of the flow), may have lower amplitude that the main bulk of the blood flow.
In cardiac ultrasound, this may differ. Often in flow through orifices, the Doppler is used to calculate volume flow, which means that the most interesting is the modal velocity, the main spectral band. As the width of this band may vary with gain as seen above, this means that gain should be as low as possible. Also this will reduce noise spikes, that may interfere with peak values. The width of the spectrum is especially important in tissue Doppler. There, the width of the spectrum is not due to velocity dispersion, but to bandwith, as explained in the tissue Doppler section. Thus, the middle of the spectrum is the representative value, and the width of the spectrum should be as low as possible. And as tissue velocities are about 1/10th of blood velocities, the error induced by the bandwidth is far bigger, relatively:
In this case, differences in gain leads to a difference of 3 cm/s in systolic peak values, and 3.5 cm/s in early diastolic peak values.
As said above, velocity dispersion is not the only explanation for the width of the spectrum.
As described above, distances (e.g. wall thickness) and motion by M-mode) increases with increasing angle:
As a reflector moves from a to b in the direction 1, the true motion (displacement) is L1. If the ultrasound beam deviates from the direction of the motion by the angle | The angle error in displacement measurement demonstrated in a reconstructed M-mode. Increasing angle between M-mode line and direction of motion increases the overestimation of the MAPSE. |
The angle deviation will result in a change in the measured velocity by Doppler as well, but in this case the angle deviation results in an underestimation of velocity by the cosine of the angle.This is due to the fact that wavelength and frequencies are inversely related.
Left: distance along the axis x, imagined along the ultrasound beam y where is the angle between the direction of the motion and the ultrasound beam (insonation angle).
The angle effect is, as above:
This means that motion along an M-mode line will increase by the cosine of the angle deviation. Thus, the angle deviation gives an in which in reality is a decrease in wavelength, which in reality is a distance:
Frequency of ultrasound is the inverse of wavelength, so:
And thus from the special equation for reflected ultrasound given above:
so velocity can be calculated from the frequency shift of reflected ultrasound.
Vascular colour ultrasound. Left: Near 90° insonation angle, resulting in a weak signal and velocities close to zero by the colour scale. Left, angulation of insonation signals, resulting in higher velocities (compare the colour bar top, right) that are not removed by the clutter filter,. Image courtesy of Ingvild Kinn Ekroll.
Basically, the measured velocities decrease by the cosine function, being 0 at 90° insonation: | Angle distortion in Doppler. The image on the left has applied angle correction, and then adjusted to scale.This is only partly correct, the ange distortion will also broaden, not narrow the spectrum as shown here. |
Angle distortion will thus decrease the Doppler velocity, but increase the bandwidth.
If we know the true direction of flow, it is possible to correct the velocities by applying the cosine function. This means that the velocity will be multiplied by the cosine of the angle for all values. This is feasible, only if one knows the true flow velocity direction, as in vascular ultrasound. Here, there will always be an insonation angle, while the true direction can be assumed being parallel to the direction of the vessel. However, with increasing angle correction, the corrected angle will rise rapidly, and thus increase the possibility for errors in the correction:
Using angle correction, the coorrected velocities will increase by 1/cos(a), meaning that there will be extreme corrections at angles > 45°, and errors in the correction will increase too.
In intracardiac jets on the other hand, the jet direction is in general not known. As regurgitant or stenotic areas are small, compared to the chamber they enter, and the valves in addition being diseased (and hence, assymetric), the jets may in practice have any direction withinn a range of 180°. This means that the angle is unknown, and no angle correction can be estimated.
In intracardiac jets, the basic technique will be to use the probe to align with the flow, the best insonation will be the direction giving the highest jet velocities. Angle correction should not be applied!
Pw Doppler will only sample velocities at one depth. In pulsed Doppler, the pulse repetition frequency PRF is given by the sampling depth. A pulse cannot be sent out before the previous pulse has returned, so the pulse interval equals the time for a pulse to be sent to the sampling depth and back, with the velocity of sound. The Doppler shift is thus sampled once for every pulse that is transmitted. Thus, the pulse interval interval (PI) is given by the distance s = 2x depth, and the speed of sound c = 1540 m/s in soft tissue.
PI = 2d / c, and PRF = 1 / SI = c / 2d
This gives the maximum PRF at different depth:
Depth | SI | PRF |
1 cm | 0.000013s | 77000 Hz |
5 cm | 0.00006s | 15400 Hz |
10 cm | 0.00013s | 7700 Hz |
15 cm | 0.00019s | 5133 Hz |
20 cm | 0.00026 s | 3850 Hz |
Phase shift analysis. The distance between the pulses represent the pulse interval, or 1/pulse repetition frequency (1/PRF) | This means that the phase shift curve can be sampled only with a frequency equal to the PRF. Halving the pulse repetition frequency doubles the sampling interval. This results in the Doppler shift curve being sampled at half the number of pulses. This may result in velocity ambiguity as described below. | A more rapidly moving scatterer will then result in a higher frequency of the phase shift, i.e. a higher Doppler frequency. Thus the frequency is proportional to the velocity. It also means that the phase shift curve is sampled fewer times per oscillation, giving an equivalent effect as reducing the PRF.. |
The limitations of Pw Doppler is the limited sampling rate, that allows only velocity measurement under a certain velocity, the Nykvist limit.
The Nykvist phenomenon (231) is an effect of the relation between the sampling frequency and the observed velocity. If you sample at a certain frequency, the direction of the motion becomes ambiguous, more frequent sampling will give the correct direction, less frequent sampling results in an apparent motion in the opposite direction. This can be observed with a stroboscopic light, for instance illuminating the flow of water
Cw Doppler, sampling the phase shift curve (Dopplwer frequency) once per pulse. The curve is very well reproduced. | Pw Doppler samples the curve with much lower sampling frequency (PRF), but still sufficient so the curve can be reproduced, both the value and direction of the velocity can be measured. | Pw Doppler where sampling frequency (PRF) is 4 × the Doppler frequency. The curve will still reproduce the troughs and peaks of the curve, and the information of the direction, and doesn't fit the alternate curve (same frequency, but out of phase (corresponding the the same velocity in the opposite direction. |
Sampling at 2 × the Doppler frequency (i.e.) twice per oscillation, PRF = 2 × fd, the curve cannot be reproduced, i.e. the Doppler frequency cannot be measured, the samples fit both curves equally well, and the velocity direction is ambiguous. | - and the samples fit equally well the double Doppler frequency, i.e. twice the velocity. | Finally when PRF is < 2 × Fd, the sampling will fit other velocities as well, in this case 1.5 × velocity. |
The phenomenon where velocities becomes ambiguous above Nykvist limit, is called aliasing.
It is often observed with old fashioned wagon wheels in old moves which often seem to revolve slowly backwards when the wagon moves forwards.
This is illustrated below as an example.
Constant rotation velocity, decreasing sampling frequency:The easiest is to show how reducing the sampling frequency affects the apparent motion. All circles rotate with the same rotation velocity clockwise. The sampling frequency is reduced from left to right. It can be seen that the red dots is at the same positions when they are seen to move. | |||
a: 8:1 | b: 4:1 | c: 2:1 | d: 1.5:1 |
Constant sampling frequency, increasing rotation velocityThe same principle applies when there is a fixed sampling frequency, but increasing rotational velocity. In the images below, the frames are seen to shift simultaneously, but the positions of the red dots are different due to the different rotational velocity. | |||
a: 1:8 | b: 1:4 | c: 1:2 | d: 1:1,5 |
Sampling from increasing depth will increase the time for the pulse returning, thus increasing the sampling interval and decrease the sampling frequency. The Nykvist limit thus decreases with depth. This means that pulsed Doppler has depth resolution, but this leads to a limit to the velocities that can be measured.
Frequency aliasing occurs at a Doppler shift that is equal to half of the PRF. fD = ½ × PRF, i.e. two samples per wavelength, as described above.
fDmax = ½ × PRF
vmax = c × PRF / 4 f0 cos()
Thus the maximum velocity (Nykvist limit) depends on the transmit frequecy, while the PRF depends on the depth. As the maximum PRF decreases with depth, so does the Nykvist limit. PRF = c / 2d. Thus:
vmax = c2 / 8 d f0 cos()
Depth | Maximum (Nykvist) velocity | ||
Transmit frequency (f0) | 2 MHz | 5 MHz | 10 MHz |
1 cm | 1480 cm/s | 590 cm/s | 295 cm/s |
5 cm | 295 cm/s | 120 cm/s | 60 cm/s |
10 cm | 150 cm/s | 60 cm/s | 30 cm/s |
15 cm | 100 cm/s | 40 cm/s | 15 cm/s |
20 cm | 75 cm/s | 30 cm/s | 15 cm/s |
Pulsed wave LVOT flow velocity curve, sampled at adequate PRF, corresponding to a Nykvist limit of ca 1.2 m/s. | The same LVOT flow velocity curve sampled at too low PRF, corresponding to a Nykvist limit of ca 0.6 m/s. Aliasing is evident. both positive and negative velocities are present. | Aorta flow velocity curve sampled at same PRF. By baseline adjustment, the limit for aliasing can be adjusted to 2× Nykvist, (but at the cost of total aliasing in the other direction. |
If the velocities are much higher than the Nykvist, aliasing will occur at many multiples of the Doppler freqency:
Aliasing at 1/2, 1 and 2 × sampling frequency
Aortic insufficiency shown by cw Doppler. It van be seen that there are a fair distribution of velocities in the whole spectrum. However, There are far more velocities below 2 m/s. In this case, the low pass filter is only set to suppress tissue velocities. If the point is to get a clear visualisation of the maximal velocities in the jet, at 4 - 6 m/s, the filter should be set higher. | The same patient by pulsed Doppler of the LVOT. The outflow can be seen as a narrow band, within the velocity range, while the regurgitant jet has velocities far outside the Nykvist range, and there is total velocity ambiguity. |
This means that both methods has limitations: pulsed Doppler has velocity ambiguity at high velocities, and continuous wave Doppler has depth or range ambiguity. Thus, for continuous Doppler the pulse length can be long, as there is no depth resolution, while in pulsed Doppler it has to be shorter in order to achieve a sufficient depth resolution.
A way around the problem, is to use high pulse repetition frequency pulsed Doppler. This means that one or more new pulses are sent out before the echo from the desired depth of the first is received. This will increase the pulse repetition frequency, and thus increase the Nykvist limit as the fN = ½ * PRF. On the other hand it will be impossible to determine which pulse is the origin of the echo, and thus it will result in a partial depth ambiguity.
The principle of HPRF. Pulses are transmitted with three times the frequency that is necessary to allow the echo from the furthest depth to return. Thus, the echo of pulse 1 will return from level 3 at the same time as the echo of pulse 2 from level 2 and and of pulse 3 from level 1, and there is no way to determine whether a signal is from level 1, 2 or 3. | HPRF pulsed Doppler recording (right). with one sample volume in mid ventricle and one in the mitral ostium. The recording shows a systolic dynamic gradient (due to inotropic stimulation with dobutamine), as well as an ordinary mitral inflow curve. There is no way in the pulsed recording to determine which velocities that originate from which sample volume (except from á priori knowledge, of course, a dynamic gradient like this is usually mid ventricular, and the mitral inflow in the annulus is easily recognised). |
Thus, HPRF can be uses to get higher velocity range, at the cost of semi-selectivity for depth. The differentiation of the different velocity curves will be dependent on recognition from prior knowledge.
Aliasing is no problem in pulsed tissue Doppler, as tissue velocities are far below the Nykvist limit. However, in colour tissue Doppler, harmonic imaging is halving the effective frequency, and leads to aliasing as shown below.
The Doppler frequency diagram. The signal can be filtered. For Doppler flow, a high pass filter (low velocity reject) is applied to suppress stationary echoes (clutter) as well as low amplitude tissue echoes. The filter is variable, and thus can be applied to select for very high velocities in insufficiency jets. A low pass filter (high velocity reject) can be applied to suppress noise above the velocity range.
Typically, tissue has high amplitude and low velocity, while blood has low amplitude, but a high velocity. As B-mode is a pure amplitude imaging, this means that tissue is bright, blood is black.
Amplitude imaging (B-mode). Tissue echoes have a high amplitude, blood a low amplitude (due to low reflexivity). Thus tissue is visualised , while the blood is not visible in the present gain setting. | As seen from the B-mode image to the left, the tissue is not stationary, but the velocities are low, compared to blood. |
Too see blood flow velocities, it is possible to increase gain, but that will also increase the low velocity signals from the tissue to saturation. They are generally considered clutter nois, when dealing with blood flow, although it is not true clutter in the reverberation sense. | It is possible to filter the low velocities by a "high pass filter", that allows high velocities to pass, while removing low velocity signals independent of amplitude. This will remove both tissue signals and reverberation noise. The low velocities around the baseline have been removed, the width of the filter is indicated by the green band to the left. This is also called "clutter filter" or "low velocity reject". |
As the bandwidth is a function of the pulse length as described in the ultrasound section, bandwith is a function of the pulse length. Spectral analysis will yield a spectrum that minimum is as wide as the bandwidth.
As described above, a pulse has a certein bandwidth, describing the frequency content of the pulse. In spectral analysis, this will give a spectrum of a certain width, corresponding to the velocity distribution of flow velocities. In phase analysis, this will correspont to a certain distribution of phase angles as illustrated. Autocorrelation, however, will only result in the average phase angle. | In the case of stationary noise (clutter) as f.i. reverberations, the autocorrelation will result in an average phase angle that is in between the signal and the noise. The clutter noise will have to be removed by a low velocity filter in order to avoid severe underestimation of flow velocities. |
Ideally, the pulse length in Doppler should be long, in order to increase velocity resolution. However, this will reduce the spatial (axial) resolution and the PRF.
Thus, if the dispersion of velocities is larger than the bandwidth, as in flow measurements, this is the most important. On the other hand, if there is little dispersion of velocities, as in tissue velocities, the width of the spectrum reflects the bandwidth.
But the insonation angle also has an influence, not only in the velocity measurement according to the Doppler equation. but also in the bandwidth as shown below.
As can be seen, the direction of the motion of the scatterer in relation to the direction of the pulse, may influence the number of oscillations that are actually used for measurement. Thus, a high insonation angle is equivalent to a virtual shortening of the pulse length, and results in a wider bandwidth (spectrum).
Vascular ultrasound, illustrating how the beam to flow angle affects the spectral width, even when angle correction is applied, in line with the above discussion. This spectral broadening also affect the values of the peak velocities. Flow direction is evident in vascular ultrasound, being in line with the vessel, not so evident in intracardiac flow. Image courtesy of Ingvild Kinn Ekroll.
Finally, stationary reverberations, creating artificially stationary echoes will result in widening of the spectrum in tissue Doppler. In flow, this will basically be removed by the high pass filter.
Basically, colour Doppler is pulsed Doppler. The method will give the velocity at a certain depth, depending on the range gating as in pulsed Doppler. By gating multiple sampling times from the same pulse package in post processing, the Doppler shift can be measured at multiple depths along the line. A pulse package is trensmitted, but instead of only one range (time) gate, there are multiple gating of the return pulse (the opposite of HPRF). This results in there being no depth ambiguity (except in reverberation artefacts). This means that the method is similar to B-mode. In fact, colour Doppler can be seen as a B-mode, where the phase (or frequency) shift is analysed instead of the amplitude, stored as numerical values in each pixel (as amplitude is in B-mode), but displayed as colour instead of brightness.It also means that the PRF is limited by the maximum depth of the colour sector, i.e. the farthest range sample, and the Nykvist limit for maximum velocity is determined by that.
Secondly, the method is used for building a sector, just as in B-mode, where the next pulse is sent out with a small deviation, building a new line in the sector, as in B-mode. However, in order to use phase analysis, more than one pulse (at least two) must be sent along each line, before the next line can be sent out. This places a limit on the maximum frame rate, which then is given by the PRF as well as the number of pulses in a package.
The time between packages can be used for sampling B-mode data for a B-mode image in a composite image. In the Doppler signal, tissue echoes is removed by clutter filtering, but an amplitude filtering may also be applied.
In colour Doppler one pulse package is sent out as in Pw Doppler, but the return signal is sampled multiple times as in B-mode. Since there is only one transmit pulse (package) at a time, there is no range ambiguity, each return sample corresponds to one specific deph, as in B-mode.. | Relation between PRF and frame rate. The diagram illustrates a scatterer moving in a Doppler field. In order to do phase analysis, at least two pulses (a pulse package) need to be sent out along one line, the time between them corresponding to the PRF, which again is limited by the maximum depth of the colour sector. When the Doppler shifts have been sampled along one line by a pulse package, a new pulse package is sent out along the neighboring line, building a sector image analogous to B-mode. Thus, the position of the scatterer can be seen to be sampled only with the frame rate, which is lower than the PRF, depending on the depth, width and resolution of the colour sector. | CFM sector superposed on a B-mode sector. By reducing sector size, line density and sampling frequency, the CFM image can achieve an acceptable frame rate. This is feasible because the region of interest for the flow is usually only a part of the ROI for The B-mode, flow being intracavitary as shown below. |
In colour Doppler, there is not spectral analysis. As seen by the colour display, there is only one velocity value per pixel. The phase analysis of the relative positions of all four points is done by autocorrelation, a quick (and dirty?) method that allows online computation. This gives the mean Doppler frequency per pulse package per pixel.
CFM sector superposed on a B-mode sector. Blue: Negative velocities (away from the probe), Red: Positive velocites. The display is semi quantitative, but the underlying data are quantitative. Both B-mode and colour Doppler is acquired at the same time, but with different pulses, beamfoming and line density. The sector with colour flow is seen to be smaller than the B-mode sector. The image displays the direction, extent and timing of the jets.
In principle, two pulses are sufficient for phase analysis with perfect signals. However, more than two pulses can be used in order to make the analysis more robust, in the autocorrelation method. This results in better accuracy (reliability) of the velocity estimate. This, however increases the duration of each package (as the time between two pulses is 1/PRF, a package of N pulses will have a duration of N-1/PRF), and thus it will affect frame rate. The PRF can be increased by reducing depth, reducing line density in the Doppler window, or reducing sector width.
A theoretical frame rate of 1 KHz will make the use of packets unnecessary (as then PRF = FR, and phase analysis can be done from one puls to the next, with the same Nykvist frequency). This is technically feasible (274), and has been implemented in a novel application; Ultra high frame rate tissue Doppler (UFR-TDI) (243).
Also, the possibility to display the full velocity information in each pixel is limited. In order to display multiple velocities in real time over a sector, the numerical values are usually displayed only semi quantitatively as color. Power Doppler shows the amplitude of the Doppler shifted signal, i.e. the blood flow.
Power Doppler image of the renal circulation. The amplitude is a function of the number of scatterers, i.e. the number of blood cells with a Doppler shift. This is shown as the brightness (hue) of the signal. In addition, direction of flow can be imaged by different colours (red - positive flow - towards probe, blue - negative colours - away from probe), and still the brightness may show the amplitude. | Colour flow showing a large mitral regurgitation. Velocities away from the probe is shown in blue (converting to red where there is aliasing), towards the probe is red. In this image, the green colour is used to show the spread (variance) of velocities. This will also reflect areas of high velocities (high variance due to aliasing). |
2D colour flow gives mainly information on the direction of velocities, as well as colour M-mode giving the direction - timing information. However, the information is numerical, and can be extracted as is done in colour tissue Doppler, but this gives far less accurate values than pulsed and cw Doppler, as well as a reduced frame rate.
Recording from a patient with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Ejection can be seen in blue, and there is a delayed, separate ejection from the apex due to delayed relaxation. There is an ordinary mitral inflow (red), but no filling of the apex in the early phase (E-wave), while the late phase (A-wave) can be seen to fill the apex. Left, a combined image in HPRF and colour M-mode. The PRF is adjusted to place two samples at thr mitral annulus and in the mid ventricle just at the outlet of the apex. The mitral filling is shown by the green arrows, and the late filling of the apex is marked by the blue arrow. In addition, theere is a dynamic mid ventricular gradient shown by the red arrow, with aliasing in the ejection signal in colur Doppler. The delayed ejection from the apex is marked by the yellow arrow (the case is described in (87). The utility of the different methods is evident: HPRF (or cw Doppler) for timing and velocity measurement, but with depth ambiguity, colour M-mode for timing and location of the different jets, direction being displayed by the colour. |
The phase analysis is often done by the process known as autocorrelation. This will result in a values that does not reflect the spectrum, but only mean values in the spectrum. But if there is clutter in the region (stationary echoes), this will be incorporated in the mean, resulting ion lower values. In Doppler flow, this can be filered by the high pass filter, and thus will represent a small problem. In tissue Doppler, this may be a more significant problem, as the velocities are only about 1/10 of the flow values, and thus clutter may be more difficult to separate from true velocities. Thus, a substantial amunt of clutter may reduce autocorrelation values for tissue Doppler more than pulsed Doppler as discussed below. In addition, it is customary to analyse the tissue Doppler values in native, rather than harmonic imaging, due to the Nykvist limitation. Thus, there is a greater amount of clutter than if harmonic imaging had been used, as shown in B-mode images.
For optimal colour flow, it is important to realise that there may, in some scanners, be an inverse relation between the gain of colour Doppler and B-mode. (In some scanners it is possible to adjust the priority, or to adjust the gain settings separately). This, however, is an acquisition finction, and not image adjustment, and thus cannot be compensated afterwards. This is illustrated below:
Effect on B-mode gain on colour Doppler imaging. Left pulmonary venous flow by pwDoppler, showing a systolic flow component, although low velocities. Middle, colour M-mode of the same patient. Only the diastolic flow component can be seen. Right, reducing B-mode gain increases the gain of colour flow, and the systolic pulmonary venous flow can be seen.
Doppler gives flow as a velocity. This means the velocity shows how rapidly the blood volume moves along the path, the distance per time v = d/t and is given in m/s. The velocity says nothing about the amount of blood, however. Flow is the volume rate: volume per time Q = V/t and is usually given in litres per minute. But given constant orifice area, any changes in velocity will be proportional to the change in blood volume flow, showing that there is a fundamental relation between cross sectional area of the flow, and the velocity:
Relation between velocity and flow with constant flow velocity. In this case, the velocity is distance / time v = d / t. During this time interval the distance times cross sectional area defines a volume V = A × d, which is the volume circumscribed by the motion with the velocity v. Flow (volume rate, volume per time) during the same interval t is Q = V / t, so Q = A × d / t = A × v.
This, however, holds only for constant flow velocity. Blood flow is pulsatile, but the fundamental equations of motion still hold:
With varying velocity, velocity is the derivative of distance per time, and distance is the integral of the velocity. Integrating the velocity over a certain time, then defines the length of a cylinder travelling with that varying distance. Multipålyong by area gives the vloume of a cylinder, that equals the volume flow during that time.
This relation holds when veloctiy is varable, but cyclic, i.e. pulsatile flow.
In the heart this can be used to calculate the stroke volume (232):
Stroke volume by Doppler. The cross sectional area is given by the diameter, under the assumption of a circular orifice. Tracing the velocity curve over one heart cycle, gives the integral of the velocity by the area under the curve (VTI). This represents the stroke distance, i.e. the distance traveled by something (blood) travelling by the varying velocity given by the Doppler curve. The stroke volume is then given by the area × the velocity integral.
In a continuous channel, flow is contiguous, and must be the same across every cross section, i.e. independent of cross sectional area:
As the area A1 is larger than A2, in order to push the same amount of blood through A2, the velocity v2 must be higher than v1. As the flow is the same, and given by A×v for continuous, and A×VTI for pulsatile flow, the ratio of velocities / velocity time integrals is the inverse of the ratio of areas. This is the continuity equation. | Using the continuity equation, as the LVOT diameter (and area) is known, tracing the VTI of the LVOT flow (pw Doppler to do it in the correct level) as well as the VTI through the valve (cw Doppler). The VTI equals the stroke length, and the stroke length times the atra, equals the stroke volume. As the stroke volume is constant, the two cylinders have equal volume, and thus, the valve stenosis area (AVA) can be calculated by AVA = LVOT area × VTILVOT / VTIAO |
This demonstrates that as contiguous flow needs to be constant, flow velocity will vary with the cross sectional area, and thus will not be representative of flow, unless area is taken into account.
The continuity equation for aortic valve area has been validated against the Gorlin formula (233):
Fundamentally, both velocity and pressure represents energy. The potential energy in a fluid under pressure, is given by E = P × V, while the kinetic energy is E = ½ m v2. But this means that when velocity increases, this kinetic energy has to be recruited from somewhere, which is the pressure energy. Thus, as velocity increases, pressure has to drop:
As velocity increases for the same volume that passes point 1, also must pass point 2, the increase in kinetic energy pressure is recruited from the pressure energy. Thus, there is a pressure drop from 1 to 2. The full equation for the acceleration of the fluid is given in the Bernoully equation. However, it has been shown that both the flow acceleration part and the friction parts are so much smaller than the first part (which is the basic energy difference), and may be ignored. Thus, the modified Bernoully equation relates pressure differences to the square of velocity differences. And if v2 is much smaller than v1, the modified equation may be simplified even more. And of course, the simplest form, is still an acceptable approximation if P2 is much lower than P1.
The simplified Bernoully equation has been shown to be valid for pressure gradients across mitral stenosis (234, 235), aortic stenosis (236), and estimation of RV pressure from tricuspid regurgitation (237).
As discussed above, as flow converges towards a stenosis, there is little friction, meaning that there is laminar flow towards the stenosis. When flow has passed the stenosis, and into a receiving chamber where there is larger area, the velocity will decrease again. However, this may have different consequences. If there is perfectly laminar flow after the stenosis, the friction element is still so small, that the kinetic energy reverts to pressure: there is pressure recovery, and the pressure rises to the pre stenotic level. Doppler measurement will still measure the maximum pressure drop, and so will a manometer placed at the narrow part, but manometers before and after the stenosis will not register pressure drop.
On the other hand, if the flow is not perfectly laminar, there will be turbulence after the stenosis, resulting in frictional energy loss, and the velocity will decrease without restoring pressure energy, i.e. the energy is lost, and there is not pressure increase after the stenosis. In that case, there the Doppler gradient may be a true measure of pressure drop.
Full, partial and zero pressure recovery. The pressure drop corresponding to the velocity increase, is Pmax, the maximum pressure drop, given by P1 - P2. The net pressure drop through the stenosis,
Pnet, however, is given by P1 - P3. Cw Doppler measures
Pmax, (and so will a manometer placed directly into the stenosis, and may thus over estimate the effect of the stenosis.
Left is perfectly laminar flow through the stenosis. In this case, the post stenotic velocity decelerates without energy loss, and the kinetic energy is converted back into pressure again. Here, there is no net pressure drop through the stenosis. Driving pressure at P1 does not have to be increased to maintain pressure at P3, and the pressure drop at P2 is temporary. It must be remarked, however, that pressure recovery cannot be more than the initial pressure. | In the middle is partial pressure recovery. Some of the pressure energy converted to kinetic energy through the stenosis is lost when the flow velocity decelerates after the stenosis, in the form of turbulence resulting in friction. But some of the energy is recovered to pressure energy again. Thus, there is a net gradient over the stenosis, but this is less than the maximum gradient. The maximum gradient by Doppler will over estimate the net gradient. | Right, there is total energy loss through the stenosis, all kinetic energy due to the velocity increase through the stenosis is lost in turbulence and friction. Thus, |
As discussed above, if pressure measured across an aortastenosis is higher than normal intraventricular pressure, there has to be a net gradient, as the maximum pressure drop has to be positive.
In tissue Doppler, the high pass filter can be removed, or at least partially, to allow the low velocities from the tissue. It can be maintained at low levels to suppress absolutely stationary echoes (clutter). The blood signal can be removed both by reducing the gain, and by applying a low pas filter.
As shown above, the tissue velocities are present in the Doppler spectrum, and with far higher amplitude than the blood flow signals. In blood flow Doppler, the tissue signals are usually removed by the clutter filter, in order to get cleaner blood flow signals.
Spectral Doppler from the LVOT. Both tissue velocities and blood flow velocities can be seen, and by reducing gain below saturation of the tissue signal, the tissue velocities can be seen as distinct, and typical curves, showing both S', e' and a' peaks. The image demonstrates both that flow velocities are aboput ten times tissue velocities, but also that the Blood flow Dopple rhas a much lower amplitude.
The Doppler principle can be used both for blood flow and Tissue velocities. Tissue Doppler was first decribed in 1989 (53). It is simply a question of different filtering of the Doppler signals. The main principle is that blood has high velocity (Typically above 50 cm/s, although also velocities down to zero), but with low density, resulting in low intensity (amplitude) of reflected signals. Tissue has high density, resulting in high intensity signals, but low velocity (typically below 20 cm/s). The difference in the applications used for the two sets of signals is mainly differences in filtering, applying a high pass filter in Doppler flow, and low pass filter in tissue Doppler (Although the latter is not absolutely necessary, as shown).
In Tissue Doppler , only the Pw mode is useful, as velocities are so low, that cw Doppler doesn't add anything useful, while the location of the sampåle volume is always important.
It is again important to realise that pulsed tissue Doppler has a high sampling rate (up to 1000), but a low temporal resolusion (effective frame rate usually below 100 FPS) due to the Fourier analysis over a long window as explained above.
The diagram to the left shows the placement of flow and tissue signals on this intensity (amplitude) / velocity diagram. Velocity given as the height ogf the bars, intensity shown both by the placement on the x axis, as well as the darkness of the bars, black being the highest intensity. The flow signals are low intensity but mostly high velocity, while the tissue is exclusively low velocity, high intensity. The heart valves, however, are solid structures which moves with the velocity of the passing blood, resulting in high velocity signals. Intensity may be seen to be higher. A typical flow curve from the LVOT ventricular outflow tract is shown to the left, with the valve click. | |
Application of a high pass filter (low velocity reject) shown schematically to the left and in practice applied to the LVOT flow curve to the right. Velocities lower than the limits of the green bar (showing the range of the filter) are removed seen in the dark zone in the middle of the spectrum. The setting rejects velocities below 15 cm/s. Wall velocities are generally lower, and is filtered. | |
The filter is adjustable, and is here reduced below 10 cm/s. This results in high intensity signals becoming visible, especially in early diastole. This are tissue signals from the LVOT. | |
Further reduction results in high intensity tissue signals around the baseline. The signal is difficult to analyse, as it has so high amplitude that the display is saturated. | |
Fully decreasing the filter, and decreasing the gain, (shown as all signals being illustrated in lighter colour, but with the same relative placement on the x axis), discloses the tissue velocity curve, while the flow signal, having a much lower amplitude, is much less visible. | |
Reducing the scale, increases the resolution of the tissue velocities, that are still taken with ordinary Doppler. | |
All modern ultrasound machines today has separate applications for tissue Doppler which optimises the signal for this purpose, among other things by applying a low pass filter that removes most of the flow velocities. This results in a cleaner signal. |
The width of the spectrum in Doppler flow is mainly determined by the dispersion of velocities. The middle of the spectrum, is the average of the main velocities.
However, the main use of pulsed wave tissue Doppler is for measuring annulus velocities, and the annulus is stiff, with little probability of dispersion of velocities. Also, in pulsed tissue Doppler, the insonation angle is small. Despite this, the spectrum has a certain width, indicating a spectrum of velocities:
Spectrum width in tissue Doppler. Image courtesy of H Dalen.
Thus, the main determinant of the width of the spectrum is determined by the bandwidth. The bandwith is determined by the pulse length and pulse frequency, and represents the frequency spectrum in the received signal . As this frequency is due to the frequency distribution in the transmitted signal, as well as the uncertainty in frequency measurement, the frequency distribution is statistical, and more or less normally distributed around the mean frequency (or velocity). In addition, it is distorted by non-linear propagation, adding frequencies to the return signal.
Ideally, the most representative value of the spectrum is the modal velocity (the velocity in the middle of the spectrum), not the maximal value (at the top of the spectrum). This will also be the values that are most similar to the tissue Doppler values obtained by autocorrelation (colour tissue Doppler) as shown below.
Recordings from basal septal mitral ring in a subject without substantial clutter. Spectral Doppler shows the dispersion of velocities, although this is probably an effect of bandwidth. The colour Doppler recording is superposed and aligned with both vertical and horizontal scale. In this instance can be seen to give values close to the middle of the spectrum (modal velocity). | Spectral Doppler reconstructed from IQ data. Candidates for measuring peak systolic velocity by the PW tissue Doppler spectrum. RED circle: peak of the spectrum at normal gain, GREEN circle: upper edge of the strongest part (the part visualised at minimal gain), BLUE circle: middle of the strongest part. MAGENTA circle and line: autocorrelation. As seen, imn this example the autocorrelation corresponds to the middle of the spectrum. (Figure courtesy of Svein Arne Aase |
We tested this hypothesis in a preliminary study (240), using spectral Doppler reconstructed from IQ data.
For a reference method, Peak slope of systolic M-mode from IQ data in the same time point was chosen:
Reference method. A: pw Doppler from the mitral ring (reconstructed from RF data). Peak velocity of the ring displacement can be identified. B: This corresponds to the maximal slope of the M-mode line at the same time point. C: The M-mode in the same time window from the RF data. This gives a far better resolution in space and slope. D: In the RF M-mode the steepest sloe was identified automatically. This will be a reference for the maximal velocity. (Figure courtesy of Svein Arne Aase
As this figure shows, the peak spectrum results in a substantial overestimation. reducing the gain improves the over estimation, while the modal velocity is closest to the reference. Autocorrelation on the other hand results in significant under estimation, due to the presence of clutter. Only four subjects showed almost total correspondence between autocorrelation and modal velocity from spectral doppler. (Figure courtesy of Svein Arne Aase |
It is evident that the modal velocity is closest to the "true" velocity, and thus if peak values are used, they should be obtained and analysed by the lowest readable gain setting.
Historically the peak value (at the top of the spectrum), has been used in pulsed Doppler. Thus, most of the differences reported between pw Tissue Doppler (241) and colour tissue Doppler (16) are due to the width of the spectrum. But if so, this would give a good correlation between methods, and a more or less constant offset (16, 242). On the other hand, filtering of the colour tissue Doppler reduces peak values, and will also increase the difference between the methods (241). Autocorrelation with high filtering or low frame rate will thus underestimate the true mean value.
However, the width of the spectrum is sensitive to gain settings. As the frequencies are normally distributed around the mean, this means that the intensity in the periphery of the band is lowest, and will disappear earlier when gain is reduced. Increased gain setting increases the peak values (241) as illustrated below:
In this case, differences in gain leads to a difference of 3 cm/s in systolic peak values, and 3.5 cm/s in early diastolic peak values.
In perfect image quality, modal velocity should be equal to autocorrelation, but in the case there is clutter, autocorrelation would not give similar values, as clutter would be incorporated into the mean. In the study above, this was the case with most subjectys, resulting in a significant difference between modal velocity from spectral Doppler and autocorrelation. This is further discussed below.
The basic problem of sampling rate is related to measurement of peak values. If the sampling rate is much lower than the rate of change of peak values, the probability of hitting the peak is low, and on average, the measurement will underestimate peak values, called undersampling. Undersampling will also increase variability, by introducing a random element in hitting the true peak value (74). On the other hand, if the rate of change is slowest at peak, the sampling rate does not matter much. The principle is shown below.
The effect of sampling rate. The true curve is shown left, with the sampling points shown on the curves as well as below the curves. To the right are the sampled (reconstructed) curves, from interpolation between the values at the sampling points. Top: low, and bottom: high sampling rate. It is evident that the sampling rate at the top fails to hit the true peak value, and the peak value shown is underestimated. In addition, hitting the true peak is a more random process, so undersampling will also increase variability. Bottom, the sampling rate is doubled, interpolating sampling points between those at the top (you may measure with a ruler, if you want) and hitting the peak fairly well. The reconstructed curve resembles the original much more closely.
In post processing tissue velocity data, the sampling frequency is equal to the frame rate. The shorter the duration of the event to be measured, the higher the frame rate ought to be.
Thus, short duration events need a high sampling rate, not only for measurement of peak values, but also for reproducibility of these peak values (275). Analysis by decimating tissue Doppler images, showed that peak systolic velocities had both reduced mean values as well as reduced reproducibility, at frame rates below 70, isovolumic indices below 100 (275). However, this is not the only problem. Temporal filtering used to decrease random noise, also reduces the effective frame rate, so even if the frame rate is sufficient applying temporal filtering will then reduce peak values and increase variability (276). Tissue Doppler has a frame rate of ca 100, B-mode 50 - 100 in a full sector image.
Thus ideally, increased temporal filtering should be compensated by increased frame rate.
Frame rate can be increased to about 150and 90, respectively, but at the cost of lateral resolution which affects both tissue Doppler, inducing artifacts, as well as speckle tracking in the ability to track laterally as shown also for 2D strain, which also increases angle dependency of speckle tracking.
However, it is important to realise that this is relevant for the measure of peak values. To detect the events and measure duration on colour images, the frame rate only needs to be adequate to detect changes from positive to negative values consistently 50 FPS is generally sufficient. The temporal resolution of time measurements, however, will depend on the frame rate rate, 50 FPS gives a resolution of 20 ms.
It important that strain is less frame rate sensitive, as the rate of change is lowest at end systole, comparable to ejection fraction. In fact, ejection fraction can be fairly reliably measured with a sampling rate as low as 1/3 sec by MUGA. Strain has a similar time curve. This means that reduced sampling frequency is less important. However, one study did find that frame rate had an impact on measured strains (277) in tissue Doppler.
Parametric imaging is based on colour display. This means that numerical data are colour coded, and displayed semi quantitatively, in order to visualize semi quantitative data simultaneously over the whole image. Thus, the image gives access to more generalized information, in exchange for less quantization.
Velocity imaging. Parametric (colour) image. In this parametric image all carriages that are in motion (have velocity) are coloured red, carriages with no motion (zero velocity) have no colour.
Deformation imaging. Parametric (colour) image. This is the same figure as above, but in this image, the two carriages with different velocities are shown in either cyan (stretching) or orange (compression), while the other carriages where no deformation occurs (whether running evenly or standing still) are shown in green.
It is customary to image:
End systolic displacement, imaged in a different colour for each range of 2 mm displacement. This is shown for comparison in the curves to the right, the colours of the curves corresponds to the colours of the points, i.e. the position of each point. As only the end systole is of interest, there is no need for looping the image. Displacement is highest in the base, smallest in the apex. The spaces between curves is shown to the roght, coloured correspondingly to the 2<D image. The width of each coloured band in 2D as well as the space between curves gives the deformation in the area. As long as the bands are of relatively even width, the strain is evenly distributed. From this image, the base to apex gradient in displacement is very evident.
Strain is little suited for parametric imaging. Looking at the diagram, it is evident that strain is negative throughout the heart cycle. In addition, there is little difference between the different heart cycles, thus, differences between regions is little evident. Finally, the strain is actually best visualized in the images of end diastolic displacement shown below.
However, it must be emphasized that the information contained in a colour couded image remains numerical, and can be extracted again from combined images like 3D or bull's eye, among other thing for purposes of area measurement.
The basic principles of colour tissue Doppler are the same as for colour flow mode (239). The difference is the same as in spectral Doppler flow versus colour Doppler flow, except for the differences in filtering as shown above. colour However, the region of interest is the same as in B-mode, being the myocardium. Thus the solution of a small sector within the B-mode sector is unfeasible. However, as velocities are measured only along the ultrasound beams, and cavity signals are filtered by low gain / low pass filter, the line density need not be high. In addition, as the data are for numerical analysis, not imaging, artifacts from MLA are unimportant. Thus, high frame rate in a full B-mode sector is achieved with a very low line density, and a higher MLA (typically 4). Thus the B-mode and colour Doppler images are displayed superposed, but the acquisition is interleaved, recording a multiple of colour Doppler images between each B-mode frame. (For instance 16 lines acquired by 4 MLA in colour Doppler interleaved with one B-mode image acquired with 64 lines at 2MLA for every fourth Doppler image will result in a Doppler frame rate of 160 for a B-mode frame rate of 40).
Both velocity and strain rate information can be displayed on the B-mode image, as colour representations of the numerical pixel values, just as in colour flow. However, as seen below, in this case the main purpose is not display location of jets, as most motion and deformation is fairly more uniform. In addition, shifts are too quick to visualise entirely, so the visual colour cine display is less useful.
Velocity (left) and strain rate (right) imaging of the same (normal) left ventricle. The colour sector is usually set equal to the B-mode sector. Velocity is red in systole when all parts of the heart muscle moves toward the probe (apex) and blue in diastole. Strain The changes are too quick to observe entirely, to make full use of the information the image has to be stopped and scrolled.
Thus, in colour tissue Doppler, the main function is to get data for post processing. The advantage over pulsed Doppler, is the near simultaneity of the data over the sector, being important in comparing regional motion from different segments of the wall. In colour flow, simultaneity is less important, and so quantitative information is rather acquired by pulsed or cw Doppler, giving higher temporal resolution.
The information coded in the colour images, is fundamentally numerical for all varieties of colour Doppler. Thus, the velocity time traces can be extracted fom any point in the image, and the velocity information can be integrated to motion information as shown below.
Extracted velocity curve from basal septum.
Thus: 2D images show the whole sector image at one point in time, velocity or strain (rate) traces shows the whole time sequence (f.i. a heart cycle) at one point in space, while CAMM shows the time sequence as well as the length of the line, but only semi quantitative motion / deformation information.
Thus, tissue velocities can be extracted to numerical traces, to enable measurements of
This method, developed by Lars Åke Brodin and Bjørn Olstad shows the whole time sequence in one wall at a time. (26). By this method, a line is drawn in the wall, and tissue velocity data are sampled for the whole time interval (e.g. one heart cycle) and displayed in colour along a line in a time plot, as shown below. This has the advantage of displaying the whole sequence in a still picture, giving a temporal resolution like the frame rate of the 2D tissue Doppler.
Velocity and strain rate imaging of the same (normal) left ventricle. The colour sector can bee seen to be equal to the B-mode sector.Velocity is red in systole when all parts of the heart muscle moves toward the probe (apex) and blue in diastole. The changes are too quick to observe entirely, to make full use of the information the image has to be stopped and scrolled. | Curved anatomical M-mode (CAMM). A line is drawn from apex to base, and velocity data over time are sampled along the line and displayed in colour along a straight line. The numbers on the curve and the M-mode are included for reference and corresponds to the numbers on the B-mode image. This example shows the septum from the apex to base along one axis, and one heart cycle along the other, in a two - dimensional space - time plot. S: systole, E: early relaxation, A: atrail contraction. |
As in colour flow, the M-mode gives the depth - time - direction information, while the curves give the quantitative information.
In tissue Doppler, the package acquisition of colour Doppler, results in drift from one package to the next, as shown below.
Integrational drift in package acquisition. The curve is a displacement curve. Ultrasound pulses are shot in packages of at least two pulses, and both pulses contributes to the velocity estimate, as described in the basic ultrasound section on colour Doppler. Thus the velocity is an estimate for the package with a duration of 1/PRF, and the velocity of motion is extrapolated for the interval between packages, i.e. 1/ FR. From the figure, is is evident that integration of these velocity samples will deviate from the true values in between packages: In this case there is negative drift in systole, positive in diastole, but the end result is unpredictable. The repeating pattern, however, will ensure that there may be a net positive or negative drift from heart cycle to heart cycle, which is more or less linear. The drift within each heart cycle, however, is not linear.
This effect is not only due to the mathemathical integration of displacement from velocity, it is actually also a property of tracking by tissue Doppler, as the position of a kernel is calculated from the position and velocity in the previous frame. (this is in reality the same thing). A frame rate of 1 KHz would to some degree eliminate this. Then each velocity could be calculated by single acquisition i.e. from one frame to the next, without the gaps due to FR being much lower than PRF. This has been shown to be technically feasible (215).
Any method that measures instantaneous values, and then integrates these measurements to an integrated value, is prone to drift. Random errors will cancel out, but non random errors will accumulate. Drift is thus a phenomenon of the modalities of displacement and strain where values are cumulated by integration of instantaneous curves. It results from the accumulation of small non random errors. In tissue Doppler, the package acquisition is a special mechanism for drift, as described below. But, drift occurs in speckle tracking also. Here it is related to the quality of tracking as discussed below. Out of plane motion and small shifts in probe position or heart position (respiration) may contribute, as may changing reflexivity of structures due to changes in fibre direction as described below.
If total strain at end diastole is different to zero, the heart would either diminish or increase in size. This is obviously nonsense. (Even with minimal changes this would lead to the heart either disappearing or growing to the size of the whole body in a matter of hours. The same is true of displacement. If the end diastolic displacement is different from zero, the heart would walk away from the patient in a short time.)
And even if total strain is zero at end systole, each region also have to end with zero strain and displacement at end diastole. Else, this would be equivalent to a shape change that would turn the heart inside out in a short time. Thus, end diastolic strain has to be zero, and this condition can be used to compensate drift.
Drift can thus be compensated in post processing, from the necessary condition that strain at end diastole (end cycle) has to be zero.
Either the value can be reset at the end of each cycle. This will not compensate for drift during the heart cycle, and may be seen by a distinct step in the strain curve at end diastole. A smoother correction is to apply a linear correction during each heart cycle, by calculating the slope of the baseline from the "step" at the end of the cycle and subtracting this slope from the baseline values. This correction is based on the assumption that the drift is linear during each heart cycle, which is an approximation, but not completely true, as seen in the example above where drift is probably more sinusoid shaped.
Resetting at the end of each heart cycle gives more ugly curves, but does only correct what is known to be false. Linear resetting will result in correction also during the heart cycle, but this is presumptuous. This principle is illustrated below.
a: normal strain curve. b: strain curve with drift, the curve does not end at zero at end diastole. c: Resetting, by simply forcing the curve back to zero at end diastole, will not change peak systolic strain, but will prevent the drift to carry over to the next heart cycle. However, if there is drift during the heart cycle, this drift affects peak systolic strain as well, as indicated in b and c. d: Linear correction can be applied as the slope from beginning to end systole can be calculated from the end systolic drift. . e: The slope values can then be subtracted from the strain values, thus forcing the curve back to a shape without drift. This will correct also values during the heart cycle, thus giving corrected value for end systolic strain. This correction, however, is presumptuous, and rests on the assumption that the drift is linear throughout the heart cycle, which is probably not the case in general.
The cumulation of non random errors by integration leads to the curve drifting from cycle to cycle. End cycle strain however, has to be zero in the real life. Strain without drift compensation. It is evident in the image to the left that the strain curve drifts from cycle to cycle. The drift may be both downwards and upwards, in this case downwards. | Drift compensation by resetting the curve to zero at the beginning of each heart cycle. This is evident by the vertical line at end diastole. Comparing to the image left, peak systolic value at cycle 1 can be seen to have the same value, as no drift is compensated during the heart cycle.The resetting prevents the drift to affect later heart cycles, so cycle 2 and 3 have similar peak systolic strain as cycle 1, far lower and stable than without compensation. | Linear drift compensation is applied linearly during the whole period. This results in a further correction, as values during each heart cycle are adjusted as well. In cycle 1, the peak systolic strain is lower (in absolute value) than without or with linear compensation. In addition, cycle2 and 3 have lower peak systolic values than with resetting at end cycle, although this may not be the real case. |
Thus, linear drift compensation affects peak systolic strain unpredictably, and not necessarily in the correct direction.
The information coded in the colour images, is fundamentally numerical for all varieties of colour Doppler. Thus, the velocity time traces can be extracted fom any point in the image as shown below. However, both the primary velocity data, as well as the calculated date can be displayed as parametric (colour) images images, of which the curved M-mode (CAMM) (254) is the most useful so far, mainly for assessment of timing.
The concept of velocity gradient was introduced by Fleming et al (20), defined as the slope of the linear regression of the myocardial velocities along the M-mode line across the myocardial wall. If velocities are linearly distributed through the wall, this is equal to the difference in endocardial and epicardial velocities divided by the instantaneous wall thickness (W):
The definition of transmural velocity gradient was extended by Uematsu (21), by applying the velocity gradient to wall thickening velocity in any direction in the 2D cross sectional image, by means of angle correction of the velocities.
As the apex is stationary, while the base moves, the displacement and velocity has to increase from the apex to base as shown below.
As the apex is stationary, while the base moves toward the apex in systole, away from the apex in diastole, the ventricle has to show differential motion, between zero at the apex and maximum at the base. | As motion decreases from apex to base, velocities has to as well. This is seen very well in this plot of pwTissue Doppler recordings showing decreasing velocities toward apex. Thus, there is a velocity gradient from apex to base |
The simultaneous measurement of velocities by colour Doppler in the whole sector, enables the measurement of instantaneous velocity differences.
Velocity and displacement plots from base (yellow) to apex (green), showing decreasing values. The velocity gradiehnt seems fairly even, and as displacement is the integral of velocity, this must be evenly distributed in a decreasing pattern too.
The velocity gradient from base of the LV to the apex looks fairly linear:
Peak systolic velocity plot through space, from the septal base to the left through the apex in the middle to the lateral base to the right, extracted from colour tissue Doppler. The velocities seem to be distributed along fairly straight lines, i.e. there seems to be a fairly constant velocity gradient.
Thus, while peak velocities decrease, peak strain rate is more or less constant from base to apex if the gradient is constant.
In some cases, the mean velocity may be very far from the "true" modal velocity:
In this case, the spectral Doppler is "smeared out, all the way down to the baseline. The mean of all frequencies is shown on the spectrum in black. It is far from the peak values. To the right is the values from autocorrelation, which are similar to the mean values.
Reverberations may not be entirely stationary. It the reflecting surface that gives rise to the reverberation moves, the reverberation bands will move also, as seen in the simulations above, as well as the real acquisition below
Normal tissue Doppler curve from the mitral ring. Peak systolic velocity around 8 cm/s. However, a band with approximately the same shape, but systolic amplitudes of around 2 m/s van be seen as well, probaby a reverberation from the apical part.
Reverberations are often nearly stationary echoes, meaning that the echoes will incorporate zero velocities (clutter). Most of the reverberation echoes are in the fundamental imaging frequency. However, harmonic imaging halves the frequency, and thus the Nykvist limit. This means that there will be aliasing at half the velocity in harmonic imaging, compared to fundamental. And this is within the range of tissue velocities. Thus harmonic imaging is unfeasible in tissue Doppler, and the harmonic acquisition makes the method more vulnerable to reverberations than B-mode, as explained below.
Harmonic imaging in tissue Doppler leads to aliasing, as seen by this colour M-mode. However, Strain rate imaging, using the velocity differences, will neutralise this, as usually both velocities in the equation (V1 - V2)/L are aliased, and thus the difference remains the same. So in strain rate imaging, aliasing is effectively unwrapped, as shown previously (167).
Colour M-mode (CAMM) of tissue velocities in fundamental (above) and harmonic (below) imaging. Slight aliasing can be seen in native | Colour tissue Doppler curved M-mode in harmonic imaging, velocity plot (above), strain rate (below). As can be seen there is heavy aliasing in the |
However, this would imply that separate recordings had to be taken for strain rate and velocity analysis, instead of post processing strain rate from TDI recordings, but might improve the reverberation sensitivity of strain rate imaging by tissue Doppler.
Shadowy reverberations covering the anterior wall in this 2-chamber image. It is differentiated from drop out, as we can se a "fog" of structures covering the anterior wall. The structures are stationary. This is not distinct reverberations shadows, but incoherent clutter. | Recordings from the basal anterior ring of the subject to the left. The true signal is clearly visible as a normal curve, and can be seen separately from the clutter band, which is the horizontal spectral band along the baseline. The colour Doppler recording is superposed and aligned with both vertical and horizontal scale. The colour Doppler, using the autocorrelation algorithm, results in mean velocities that incorporate both signal and clutter, giving a severe underestimation of velocities. |
This example is different from a simple drop out, as pw tissue Doppler curves from the same examination show normal peak velocities in the anterior wall as shown below. Once again spectral Doppler is able to overcome the clutter problem, showing true peak mitral ring systolic velocities of 8.5 cm/s, compared to the peak values of 2 cm/s seen by colour Doppler above.
Basal spectral tissue Doppler curve in the anterior wall. Peak systolic velocity ca 8.5 cm/s. | Midwall spectral tissue Doppler curve in the anterior wall. Peak systolic velocity ca 6.5 cm/s. | Apcal spectral tissue Doppler curve in the anterior wall. Peak systolic velocity ca 5 cm/s. |
From this, it would seem that clutter is solely non-random noise, but in fact they also increases (relative) random noise.
Basically clutter is stationary echoes resulting in zero velocities as described more in detail in the basic ultrasound section. Thus, cutter is basically systematic noise, not random. However, in colour tissue Doppler clutter will also lead to increase in random noise. This is again due to the autocorrelation algorithm. The velocity estimate in each pixel will be an average of the amount of clutter and of moving echoes. The final velocity estimate will vary according to the relative amplitude of the clutter and the moving echo (weighted) (284), and this varies according to the speckle pattern as described here. Thus, in areas with much clutter, the velocity variations are larger than in high quality recordings:
IColour M-mode from the image shown above. The curved M-mode shows a fairly homogenous and normal signal in the inferior wall (top), but more or less random noise in the anterior wall (bottom), where the noise is seen as vertical stripes of alternating colours. | Velocity curves from the anterior wall, showing noise, and not much more, but at low level (within ± 0.3 cm/s). |
The principle of the effect of clutter. V-plot with clutter showing how the mean velocities are reduced, compared to the mormal expected values (red line). But in additions the variation of the velocity estimates from pixel to pixel is much higher, resulting in increased noise, but with reduced mean values. | Combined pulsed Doppler (yellow bands) and colour Doppler green Aligned horizontally and vertically. The noise level can be seen to be b´very low, compared to the peak velocities shown in the pulsed Doppler recording. The clutter is the horizontal band around the baseline, and the width of the spectrum in this case is the noise. |
Further examples are shown below:
Reverberations in the septum of a normal ventricle. The colour bands are stationary | In pulsed wave tissue Doppler, the clutter will show up as a high amplitude band of zero velocities, but the true velocity curves can be seen as entirely separate from the clutter line, and thus peak velocities can still be measured. |
Colour Doppler, calculating average velocities, will average in the clutter. Looking at the same example as above, we see the difference in peak values:
Velocity curves from the reverberations shown in the video above. Left colour Doppler from three sites showing peak systolic values of about 3, 2 and 1 cm/s, respectively. The pulsed Doppler recordings from the same sites separates the clutter from the velocity signal, and thus we find peak systolic velocities of about 12, 11 and 8 cm/s, respectively. Normally the systematic difference between the two methods is only about 1.5 - 2 cm/s as shown in the HUNT study.
Thus, maximum values are more robust in relation to artifacts than both taking the middle of the spectrum and than colour tissue Doppler, but the spectrum width will lead to som overestimation of peak values:
For the present, the best compromise seems to be: pw Tissue Doppler should be measured as maximal values, but with the lowest possible gain setting.
Autocorrelation velocities may be influenced by reverberations (clutter). The mechanism for the formation of reverberations are explained in the basic ultrasound section.
The principle of clutter effect on spectral and autocorrelation velocities. In this simulation, an ordinary spectral celocity cirve is seen. The peak velocities depend on the width of the spectrum as shown above. The modal velocity is the middle of the spectrum. A stationary clutter band ois added, with zero velocities, and with nearly the same amplitude and spectrum width. The modal velocity is the zero line. The autocorrelation in this case will then be the average of both, far removed from the true modal velocity curve.
Image from another subject in the study shown above (240). In this subjech there is some clutter from reverberations, as seen by the band in systole close to the zero line. In this case the peak velocity by autocorrelation is lower than the modal velocity of the main spectral band, which still was the one closest to the RF M-mode reference. (Figure courtesy of Svein Arne Aase) | Clutter filtering may reduce the problem, as seen here. There is a band of clutter close to zero velocities, but as seen here, the spectral modality makes it very easy to separate the true and clutter velocities. However, the clutter affects the autocorrelation velocity (red line), giving lower velocities, but with clutter filter this effect is removed (red line) , and the peak value is substantially higher. Image modified from (243). |
The basic concepts of motion and deformation of the heart are shown in a separate section.
Strain is relative deformation:
Deformation imaging is basically for imaging of the myocardial shape changes through the heart cycle, global and regional.
Global deformation can be done by linear measurements in end diastole and systole - linear strain.
Strain is the relative deformation of an object or segment:
Linear strain can be defined by the Lagrangian formula:
which describes deformation relative to baseline length, where is strain, L0 = baseline length and L is the instantaneous length at the time of measurement. From the formula, it is evident that strain is dimensionless, but is often expressed in per cent. By this definition, strain is a dimensionless ratio, and is often expressed in percent. From the formula, it is also evident that positive strain is lengthening or stretching, in accordance with the everyday usage of the term, negative strain is shortening or compression.
Strain rate (SR) is the rate by which the deformation occurs, i.e. deformation or strain per time unit. The strain rate is negative during shortening, positive during elongation. The unit of strain rate is /s, or s-1.
The strain rate is strain per time unit, which is equal to change in length per time , and this again equals velocity per length:
Strain can thus be derived from strain (temporal derivation), or from velocities (spatial derivation).
Velocities, displacement, strain rate and strain are all inter related across the velocity field, and can be obtained from each other by the processes of derivation and integration:
Septal strain and strain rate (right) from (nearly) the whole septum, and basal septal velocity and displacement (left). As the apex is (nearly) stationary, the basal velocity and displacement is a motion inscribing the whole of the shortening of the wall, displacement is the time integral of the velocity curve, both are motion measures. The heart cycle shows ventricular shortening and annular motion towards the apex during systole, ventricular elongation and annular motion away from apex during the two diastolic phases. The deformation curves from of the whole wall is very similar to the inverted motion curves from the base, as strain rate and strain are the spatial derivatives of velocity and motion /velocity and shortening per (length unit) along the wall.
If we just consider a simple Lagrangian measurement of systolic longitudinal strain this should be fairly simple, being LV systolic shortening / LV end diastolic length:
Lagrangian strain is the relative shortening normalised for the end diastolic length. LV shortening = diastolic - systolic length, | LV shortening can also be measured by M-mode as the mean MAPSE, the relative shortening is then the normalised MAPSE = MAPSE / Ld. |
However, here the reference length (the numerator) is the mid ventricular length. If we use the mean wall lengths, as we did in the HUNT study, mean wall lengths are longer than the mid ventricular length, and the absolute value of the strain will be lower:
A smaller study using the same method, found similar strains in the healthy control subjects (24) as in the HUNT. Longitudinal strain by direct manual measurement of longitudinal dimensions, have also been used in MR (25), but here the mid ventricular long axis was used as denominator. This study demonstrated that even the small variations in end diastolic length using mid ventricular versus a 90° axis on the mitral plane resulted in slightly different longitudinal strains. The choice of epicardial versus endocardial end point, of course affected both numerator and denominators, so here, the difference was bigger. All in all, means for healthy volunteers varying from -15.9 to -21.1%.
Thus, again the absolute value of strain is dependent on the choice of denominator, as illustrated by the following example:
For any given MAPSE, the global strain will be determined by the choice of denominator. In this case, mean MAPSE is 1.7 cm. End diastolic length will be the denominator in the strain equation. Using the mid ventricular line (blue), gives the smallest denominator and thus the highest global strain value of 17.3% in this example. Using wall length, will result in a higher denominator, resulting in lower GLS value, the straight line approximation (green) gives an intermediate denominator and a GLS value in this example of 16.3%, while the curved lines (red) following the walls gives the highest denominator, and thus the lowest GLS value, in this example 14%.
Using an ellipsoid model of the LV, calculated mean LV mid cavity length was 92.4 mm external, and 88.8 mm internal length. Mean MAPSE was 15.8 mm, which would result in a relative LV shortening
(as opposed to wall shortening) of 17.1% using the external diameter, and 17.9% using internal diameter. This shows the effect of choosing the denominator.
And finally: Using MAPSE is an approximation to wall shortening:
The true numerator in the longitudinal strain, L, may differ slightly if both systolic and diastolic length is measured along the curved wall.
If both systolic and diastolic wall lengths are measured along the curved walls, the difference, L may be slightly different from MAPSE, although MAPSE is a fairly close approximation.
Regional deformation can be done by:
Both methods can measure any regional deformation, but usually, segmental deformation is extracted for thre segments per wall:
Segmental division of the left ventricle. The segments are related to different vascular territories, as shown by the colours. As we see, all walls (except the anterior free wall) belongs to more than one vascular territory. | Top: segmental shortening of the septum, left :strain rate, right: strain. Bottom, the resulting motion of the segmental borders, where the apical shortening pulls the midwall and basal segments along, imparting motion, and the midwall segmental shortening imparts an additional motion to the basal segments. Left velocities, right displacement. |
Segmental strain can be derived as deformation curves obtained as the longitudinal shortening of the segments. Segmental strain and strain rate is taken to mean the deformation measured over a complete segment, giving the average value for the segment. Tracking the motion of a kernel or ROI at the segmental borders, the strain rate from the velocity differences, or strain from motion differences directly per segment.
Kernel displacement. Following the kernel through a whole heart cycle, will lead to a displacement curve shown to the right. Temporal derivation (displacement per time, or frame by frame displacement divided by the time between frames) results in the derived velocity curve shown below. | From two different kernels, the relative displacement and hence, strain as well as strain rate can be derived. The strain obtained by simply subtracting the two displacements and dividing by the end diastolic distance is the Lagrangian strain. To obtain the Eulerian strain rate, the correction has to be applied for each frame. |
If Kernels are placed at the segmental borders, the result will be segmental strain and strain rate in six segments per plane. | Placing the kernels in mid myocardium in a short axis view, it can also be used for trackinglobal and regional circumferential strain and rotation in the imaged plane. Due to the angle distortion in tissue Doppler, this is mainly possible in speckle tracking. |
Segmental strain curves from tracking of segmental borders. | Segmental strain rate from tracking of segmental borders. |
Images courtesy of Håvard Dalen
Tracking of segmental borders can be done by tissue Doppler, or by speckle tracking:
Segmental strain from tracking of segmental borders by tissue Doppler | Segmental strain by tracking of segmental borders by speckle tracking |
Global strain can thus also be taken as an average of the segmental strains.
However, when segmental strain is averaged to global strain, the varying amount of myocardium in the different levels may matter. Basal and midwall levels have more myocardium, the apex less, as it is both thinner and has a smaller circumference.
Thus the original ASE segmental model had 16 segments (244), where the apical lataral and inferolateral, and the apical septal and anteroseptal segments were averaged, giving four apical segments instead of six. (It may also have been a matter of convenience, as it was customary to acquire only apical 2ch and 4ch images, and parasternal long axis image, so only four segments were available. Newer guidelines allows more lenience (224).
The HUNT4 study, comparing the 16 and 18 segment model (245) found significant, although minimal differences between different applications (although all by speckle tracking, and from one vendor) and segmental models.
Segmental strain has several advantages:
The disadvantages may be that
The simultaneous measurement of velocities by colour tissue Doppler in the whole sector, enables the measurement of instantaneous velocity differences.
As shown above, the velocity difference per time, equals strain rate:
The strain rate can be described by the instantaneous velocity gradient, in this case between two material points, but divided by the instantaneous distance between them. In this description, it is the relation to the instantaneous length, that is the clue to the Eulerian reference. | Strain rate is calculated as the velocity gradient between two spatial points. As there is deformation, new material points will move into the two spatial points at each point in time. Thus, the strain that results from integrating the velocity gradient, is the Eulerian strain. |
The strain rate was calculated as the velocity difference between two spatial points, divided by the distance between them, but as shown elsewhere, this is equivalent to the velocity gradient, and thus to Eulerian strain rate.
The velocity gradient is nearly constant from base to apex, the apex is nearly stationary, while the ventricular basis moves towards the apex during systole. This was demonstrated already by Leonardo da Vinci (11), and confirmed by various methods (12 - 15). This means that the motion also decreases linearly from base to apex.
As the apex is nearly stationary, while the base moves toward the apex in systole, away from the apex in diastole, the ventricle has to show differential motion, between zero at the apex and maximum at the base. Longitudinal strain will be negative (shortening) during systole and positive (lengthening) during diastole (if calculated from end systole). | M-mode lines from an M-mode along the septum of a normal individual. These lines show regional motion. It is evident that there is most motion in the base, least in the apex. Thus, the lines converge in systole, diverge in diastole, showing differential motion, a motion gradient that is equal to the deformation (strain). |
Thus, the strain and strain rate are constant along the ventricular wall, as illustrated below:
Top left: Velocity curves from four different points of the septum. The image shows the evenly decreasing velocities from base to apex. Top right: the resulting strain rate curves from the segments between two and two of the velocity ROIs displayed. Bottom left: Displacement curves from the same four different points of the septum, obtained by integration of the velocity curves. The image shows the evenly decreasing displacement from base to apex. The resulting strain curves from the segments between two and two of the velocity ROIs shown to the right.
The velocity gradient from base of the LV to the apex looks fairly linear:
Peak systolic velocity plot through space, from the septal base to the left through the apex in the middle to the lateral base to the right. The velocities seem to be distributed along fairly straight lines, i.e. there seems to be a fairly constant velocity gradient.
Thus, while peak velocities decrease, peak strain rate is more or less constant from base to apex if the gradient is constant.
An infarct is visible as a reduction of the slope of the velocity gradient, and the concomitant hyperkinesia in neighboring segments due to reduction in local load as an increase in the slope.
Anterior infarct, seen in the V-plot from a 2-chamber image as hypokinesia in the apical two segments, with concomitant hyperkinesia in the basal regment. There is substantial clutter noise in the inferior wall.
This is equivalent with decreased offset between the velocity curves.
Strain rate and strain can be visually assessed by the offset between the curves, when the velocity curves are obtained from points with a known (and equal) distance.
If the curves are taken from the segment borders, this is a representation of the segmental strain rate and strain. Thus, it is evident that the strain rate and strain can be visualised (qualitatively) by the spacing of the velocity and displacement curves, even without doing the derivation.
An infarct will show up as decreased distance between the velocity curves.
This can also be recognised by the separation of the velocity or displacement curves.
Left: Normal ventricle, right: small apical infarct, top: strain rate, below: velocity curves. In the normal ventricle, the systolic strain rate can be seen to be relatively similar in all three segments, about - 0.9 s-1. This corresponds to a relatively even spacing of the velocity curves. In the infarcted ventricle the apical segment can be seen to have strain rate of about - 0.5 s-1, compared to the normal strain rate of -1s-1 in the midwall and basal segments. Looking at the velocity curves below, the two points bordering the apical segment (red and green) can be seen to be very close to each other, indicating that they move as a stiff piece without deformation.
Just inspecting the velocity curves is thus a way of visualising the strain rate without measuring it.
The curved M-mode is a way of visualising the semi-quantitative strain rate /depth/time resolution from a heart cycle.
Comparison of septal velocities (left) and strain rates (right), in traces (top) and curved M-modes (bottom). While the numerical traces display the quantitative values, in one point only for each curve, but for the whole cycle, the colour M-modes shows the semi quantitative display from the whole wall simultaneously, enabling direct comparison of the timing of events in different parts of the wall.
The CAMM is especially useful in strain rate, as the phases are better separated between different parts of the wall than in velocities, due to the elimination of the tethering effect. CAMM scan be extended to the whole sector as shown below:
Curved M-mode showing the full M-mode from basal septum through the apex to the basal lateral wall. The pre ejection shortening is shown to occur before MVC, systolic shortening is fairly homogeneous alont the whole wall, and IVC with apical lengthening and basal shortening is seen. In diastole, the propagation of the elongation waves both in early filling phase and during atrial systole, which also shows a propagation from base to apex, but with a higher propagation velocity. In addition, the elongation waves can be seen to either cross or return from the apex towards the base, but far weaker. This can also be seen above, as the basal strain rate are double peaked.
A curved M-mode is very quick to generate, and can be evaluated semi-quantitatively, either in one wall at a time, if so usually from apex to base, orienting the CAMM image the same way as the B-mode image | or through both walls, in that case enabling comparison between the timing of walls, important in assessing asynchrony as in left bundle branch block. In that case customary from the right sided base (septal in 4ch, inferior in 2ch or inferolateral in ALAX) through the apex to the left (lateral, anterior or anteroseptal) base. In that case the first wall is oriented upside down. |
Colour WMS The colour WMS seemed to equivalent with B-mode WMS both in feasibility and accuracy (6, 7), but no better. This is hardly be surprising, as the expert WMS is a fairly precise method, an colour WMS is still semi quantitative. However, looking at the colour images, one can se both delayed onset and hypokinesia in 2, as well as post systolic shortenng. In 3, there is aknesia and PSS, and in 4 there is dyskinesia and PSS. From this, it seems that there is extra information in doing deformation.
Strain, on the other hand, do not give much useful information in the curved M-mode:
In the strain rate CAMM; there is evidence of an early shortening before MVO, the MVO can be timed, the pre AVC stretch is visible, the apical lengthening during IVR, and the propagatopn of stretch waves are all visible in the curved M-mode- Although the events can be seen in the curves as well, the space-time resolutions are much easier to discern in the CAMM. | The strain CAMM (it's the same line as in the SR CAMM to the left, only reprocessed into strain) doesn't give much information at all. Looking at the curves, it is evident that the whole course of the curves lies below zero, thus showing a red colour, although there is a colour cut off around -10. The blue lines is reverberations, but with low intensity, as they don't even disturb the SR CAMM. |
Stress acquisition at peak stress in a patient with extremely poor image quality due to seriously thickened pericardium after a previous CABG, plus emphysema. The lateral wall cannot be evaluated at all. | Curved M-mode from the same view in a TDI acquisition at peak stress. Even if the signal is noisy, the onset of shortening can be delieated (black lines), thus showing symmetric onset in both walls. |
The advantage of wall motion by colour M-mode is it's robustness, especially in relation to reverberation noise. Still, the fundamental limitations of ultrasound as well as specific for image quality applies, poor image quality will affect the interpretations.
Colour tissue Doppler acquires a velocity field over the whole sector. This, of course means that the strain rate can be derives over smaller distances than a full segment, depending on the offset distance between the two points of velocity measurement, the strain length. For segments, this means that the strain rate and strain can be measured as an average over the whole segment.
Four chamber view with tissue Doppler strain rate, where both ROI and strain length is adjusted to cover about one segment. The curves obtained by this are representative of each segment. | Strain rate curves from the recording to the left, each curve is representative of a segment. |
With a greater number of kernels, distributed both along and across the wall, each kernel can be tracked individually, and displacement and velocity can be measured in two dimensions.
The application known as 2D strain or AFI (automated functional imaging) by GE Vingmed, is generally seen as a speckle tracking method, which actually is the basic method. Tracking is done by the same method, (sum of absolute differences). However, the method also has implemented:
2-dimensional strain by speckle tracking. A selection of the speckles with highest amplitude are tracked individually both longitudinally and crosswise. | Visualisation of speckle tracking. Here, the midline of the ROI is tracked for longitudinal strain. The bullets seem to follow tissue motion, but the may well be due to the algorithms rather than the tracking. | |
Speckle tracking where trackin is done in both longitudinal and transverse direction, Thus, in principle, both transmural and longitudinal strains are available, depending on the lateral resolution in the imag (which generally is poor in the basal parts. | Segmental strain rate curves obtained from speckle tracking of averages along each segment |
The method starts with generating a velocity (or displacement) field across the sector (velocity being the displacement between one frame and the next, / 1/FR), resulting in a distribution of velocities across the sector, more or less as in tissue Doppler, but the velocity vectors being less angle dependent. Thus the displacement and strain rate and strain can be derived in the same way as in tissue Doppler.
Longitudinal velocity | Longitudinal displacement |
Longitudinal strain rate | Longitudinal strain |
From this, differential motion - i.e. deformation - can in principle be measured, both in the longitudinal and transverse direction. The smaller the kernel, the less certain will the tracking be, but this can be compensated by selection of kernels on the basis of a stable pattern from one frame to next. One method of insuring stable tracking is to discard kernels that are not present in a sufficient number of frames. In the same way, kernels that does not move can be discarded, reducing the influence of reverberations.However, the dependence on recognising stable kernels from one frame to next, makes the method even more frame rate sensitive.
If there are shadows, there are not data, neither for speckle tracking not tissue Doppler. This of course, means that the motion or deformation will not be tracked by any method. The same effect will be if there is non coherent clutter overshadowing the tissue signals.
Drop out affecting speckle tracking. The application cannot track where there are no tissue data, in this case in the anterior wall and the application doesn't track (the markings don't move). The inferior wall seems to track normally. (Which is untrue, there is an inferior infarct) | V-plot in a two-chamber view, showing fairly normal velocities in the inferior wall (except for a small reverberation). The anterior wall shows a shadow, with low velocities. Thus, the slope of the velocities is low as well, and thus a low strain rate. |
The effect on strain rate measures may seem paradoxical:
Drop out in the anterior wall. In this area there are no B-mode data, indicating that there are no velocity data either (although this may not always be the case). | Schematic figure corresponding to the loop to the left. In this case there are no data in the drop out, resulting in zero velocity, i.e. v1 = 0. | As is evident from the traces, the velocity in the drop out area (cyan curve) is zero. Below the drop out, the velocity curve is normal. |
The effect on strain rate, however, may seem a little paradoxical. Below the drop out, there are much higher absolute strain rates. This can be explained by the subtraction algorithm, (although a little simplified), as SR = (V1 - V2) / L, as V1 = zero, this will result in SR = - V2, i.e. the strain rate curve becomes an inverted velocity curve. Thus, the absolute values will be much higher that the real strain rate. This can be seen in the transitional zone where the strain length crosses the border between the drop out and the normal area (cyan curve). Observe how the curve looks almost the same as the normal velocity curve above (yellow velocity curve). The more basal measurement, with all of the strain length within normal data, shows normal values (yellow curve). The curved M-mode shows the distribution of the effects. In the apex (1), there are no data for strain rate, showing no deformation. (the whole strain length is within the drop out. In the midwall (2), there are exaggerated strain rate values, shown by the colour intensity (red) equivalent to the cyan curve to the left. In the base (3) there are normal strain rate values (orange) equivalent to the yellow curve to the left. |
Stationary reverberations are caused by stationary structures, usually in the chest wall, causing the ultrasound to bounce back and forth between the skin and the structure, increasing the time before the echo returns and giving rise to a false image of an apparent stationary structure deeper down.
A common reverberation in the lateral wall, seen as multiple stationary echoes (arrows). Right, the principle shown diagrammatically, a reflector causing the ultrasound pulse to bounce, for each bounce back, the echo is interpreted as a structure at a depth corresponding to multiples of the original depth.
If the algorithm does not track one kernel correctly, the strain values will be wrong for the segments on both sides of the kernel. This is evident in areas of drop outs or reverberations as illustrated schematically below.
Effect of a reverberation on the border between the apical lateral and the midwall lateral segment. A kernel in this area will not track, as illustrated by the arrow. The next border between the basal and midwall segment moves normally, leading to an exaggerated shortening of the midwall segment, while the basal segment shortens normally. (The segmental strain in the apex is the difference between the apical motion (zero) and the apparent motion ( near zero) in the reverberation, the midwall strain is the difference between the apparent motion ( near zero) in the reverberation and the (normal) motion of the border below.) This is evident by the curves (compare to the average curve: The apical curve shows little strain, the midwall curve shows far more than the wall average, and the basal shows average strain). Compare with the image above. Image courtesy of H Dahlen. |
Thus, one kernel tracking poorly will then lead to two segments being discarded, giving a high discard percentage. This was seen in the HUNT study with automated analysis, we consider this an advantage of the study, leading to little contamination of the data by artifacts, thus ensuring the data to be "clean". However, it is a disadvantage of the method, leading to a lower feasibility. However, in clinical studies, the feasibility was around 80%, and in addition showin added diagnostic value to B-mode (128). But basically a high discard rate ensures higher quality of the studies.
However, in the segmental method, the reverberation can be avoided by replacing the kernel:
The kernel is in a reverberation in the lateral wall, and will not track, thus both the segment below and above the reverberation will show artefacts. However, by moving the kernel out of the reverberation, the effect can be avoided completely
Reverberations affect speckle tracking, as the reverberation zone will show no motion, but if the zone below the reverberation moves normally, but will show increased compression, the zone above the reverberation will show reduced motion. This is similar to the effect on segmental strain, but the spatial smoothing will distribute the effect differently
Reverberation in the lateral wall affecting speckle tracking. As is visually evident, the application does not track across the reverberation, thus the two segments apical to the reverberations are seen as akinetic, the basal as hyperkinetic. All shortening is seen in the basal segment. In this case, the smoothing is seen to spread the effect of the reverberation out across two segments apical to the reverberation.
In tissue Doppler, the subtraction algorithm leads to paradoxical effect similar to what is decribed for drop outs above.
The result in tissue Doppler is that the reverberation shows up as a stationary area of inverted colour on the cine loop. | Above the reverberation, where all of the strain length is in normal signals, the strain rate is normal (orange in systole, blue in diastole). In the area where the V1 end of the strain length is in the normal area, and the V2 end is in the reverberation, and thus = 0, this corresponds to a horizontal band in the M-mode, with the inverted colour. However, there is also accentuated strainrate below the reverberation Below the reverberation, where the apical end of the strain length is in the reverberation, and the basal end is in the normal velocity field, the effect will be SR = (V2 -V3) / L = -V3 / L as shown by the deeper colour. |
Explanatory diagram. v1 and v3 have normal velocity measurements, while v2 is zero. This results in all strain rates measured in the segment above the reverberation will show normal strain rate. A sample across the reverberation, resulting in SR = v1 - v2, will give a positive strain rate, while a sample volume across the strain rate below, SR = v2 - v3 will give a negative strain rate, but over estimating the magnitude | In the area where all of the strain length is in normal signals, the strain rate is normal. Where the V1 end of the strain length is in the normal area, and the V2 end is in the reverberation, and thus = 0, the strain rate will be SR = (V1 -V2) / L = V1 / L. This is seen in the yellow curves, looking like normal velocity and displacement curves. As systolic shortening is negative, while velocity and displacement are positive, there is apparent dyskinesia in this area. Below the reverberation, where the apical end of the strain length is in the reverberation, and the basal end is in the normal velocity field, the effect will be SR = (V2 -V3) / L = -V3 / L as shown by the cyan strain rate curve, equivalent to an inverted velocity curve. This, however, looks like an accentuated strain rate curve, i.e apparent hyperkinesia. Finally, the red and green curves are both from the transitional zone, being interpolations between the other artifacts. The green would be apparent initial dyskinesia, while the red is apparently normal. However, as the whole area has data quality arising from artifacts, NONE of the curves should be used, lest there be biased post processing. The whole area should be discarded. |
Strain rate 3D mapping of normal ventricle showing a reverberation in the septum | Showing up as blue colour during ejection, and increased red colour basally to the reverberation | and red colur during diastole, with increased blue colour basally. |
Reverberations will also have noise and shadows effects as will be described below.
If clutter is non coherent, and extensive, of course no method will measure any deformation at all:
Shadowy reverberations covering the anterior wall in this 2-chamber image. We se a "fog" of structures covering the anterior wall. The structures are stationary. This is not distinct reverberations shadows, but incoherent clutter. | Same examination in TDI. CAMM drawn from inferor base through apex to anterior base. The whole of the anterior wall shows green area of no strain, spots of yellow and blue are noise spikes. | Same examination as above in ST. Again, the whole of the anterior wall shows no strain (magenta, blue and red curves, peak strain values < - 2.5%). |
There is a substantial variability in velocity estimates from pixel to pixel. The spatial derivation of strain rate will increase the noise, as strain rate has a higher noise-to-signal ratio, as the signal is the difference in velocities, while the noise is the sum of the noise of the velocity differences. This is easily demonstrated in the unsmoothed images below.
V-plot, showing the real variability from pixel to pixel of velocities. | Velocity measures with some amount of noise. | Unsmoothed strain rate curves from the same loop. The increase in noise is evident. |
offset distanceIncreasing strain length, will increase the difference between v1 and v2, while the error of velocity measurement will remain the same, thus improving the signal-to-noise ratio. With the integration method, an increased strain length will result in a larger number of point velocities that are averages, thus increasing the effect of integration. Still, each strain measure results in a value that is assigned to the mid point of the strain length. | ROI sizeIn the ROI each pixel represent the mid point in a strain length. Increasing the ROI size, will result in more pixel values being averaged, thus reducing random noise by averaging.However, increasing ROI size induces a risk of including areas of non random noise (clutter). |
Same ROI, but increased strain length. The effect of strain length can clearly be seen. Usual default offset at present is 12 mm. | ROI size. With strain length 4 mm, the effect of averaging more samples is evident. Usual default is 12 x 6 mm at SL 12 mm. |
The effects of strain length on longitudinal spatial resolution, becomes attenuated outside the limits of the ROI, but still reduces the spatial resolution as shown in the following diagram:
Effect on spatial resolution
Each strain length is represented by a point in the middle of the length. In principle the radial (depth) resolution should be ROI length + Strain length, but as shown the effect of the points outside the ROI decreases with the distance from the ROI
Illustration of how both strain length and ROI size reduces spatial resolution.
The increased noise due to shorter strain length is evident also in these parametric curved M-mode images.
Ideally, the strain length plus ROI should be as great as possible, giving the highest possible velocity difference to ensure the best signal-to-noise ratio. As there may be little added information by entering into sub segmental resolution, the resolution may be as low as the length of one segment. This will give the segmental strain rate and strain, although measured along one ultrasound beam. However, this also increases the risk of including areas of reverberations or drop outs, and thus, reducing random noise at the cost of increasing non random noise. This is indeed true of all methods for spatial averaging.
Looking at the V-plot again, it is evident that there is a substantial variability in velocity estiamates from pixel to pixel. This, of course, will result in a greater variability of strain rate measurements, as the variability will be the sum of the relative variabilities of the single measures, while the strain rate is the difference, resulting in a substantially worse signal-to-noise ratio.
Instead of measuring just the velocities at the ends of the offset distance; or respectively, the velocity gradient / strain rate can be calculated as the slope of the regression line of all velocities along the offset distance as described originally (14). With perfect data, the values will be identical, both formulas defining the slope. With imperfect data, this method will tend to make the method less sensitive to errors in velocity measurements, as the value is an average of more measurements.
Strain rate calculated over an offset (strain length) of 12 mm (L). "True" velocities at the end points are v1 = 0 and v2 = 1.2 cm s-1 giving a strain rate of -1.0 s-1 (blue squares), the strain rate is actually the
slope of the line between the points, being equal to (v2 - v1)/L (blue line). Due to random variability of the measurements, the measured values deviate from the slope. Here velocities are sampled for each 0.5 mm along the
strain length (red points), and are seen to be dispersed around the true strain rate line. The regression line through the points (red line) is fairly close to the true strain rate line, and results in a strain rate measurement
of -1.14 s-1. This makes the measurement far less vulnerable to measurement variability than simply measuring the two velocities at the end of the strain length (points in the green open squares), and compute
SR = (v2 - v1)/L shown by the green line, yielding a strain rate of -1.63 s-1.
Temporal smoothing is achieved by averaging measures from more than one frame. this can be done by a simple averaging, or by a weighted averaging where the samples may be weighted bu a gaussian distribution of weights. In addition it is customary to use the sliding window technique, which can average more frames without reducing the effective frame rate quite proportionally.
Simple averaging vs Gaussian averaging. In simple averaging, each point is taken as the simple average of the three points in the sample, where each point is weighted equally. In this example of Gaussian averaging, each point is the average of three samples as well, but in calculating the average, the samples are weighted by the distance from the centre point according to a Gaussian curve. This maintains a better temporal resolution. | Illustration of the sliding window technique for temporal smoothing. The original curve (black) is noisy. Averaging the three first samples (1 - 3; green), results in an average curve. Instead of moving to the next three samples, the smoothing window then moves to frame 2 - 4, taking a new average (red), then to frame 3 - 5 (blue), frame 4 - 6 (brown) and finally to 5 - 6 (cyan). the averages of each window are shown as the dots of the same colour, and the resulting smoothed curve is shown in grey. The more samples in each window, the smoother the curve, but the lower the effective frame rate, although the effective frame rate is not reduced as much as the number of frames in each window. |
Noise in strain rate , and thus peak values are affected by both strain length, ROI size and temporal smoothing:
Effect of temporal smoothing and strain length
Temporal smoothing may reduce peak values through inducing undersampling. A detailed treatment of temporal filtering can be found in (75, 77).
Later temporal smoothing, and in the latest software, the Gaussian temporal smoothing is implemented. Default at present is Gaussian 40 mm at SL 12 mm and ROI 12 x 6 mm. With good recordings, the curves with tissue Doppler may at present look more like this:
Left: velocity recordings, right strain rate with standard strain length and ROI settings and Gaussian smoothing over 50 ms.
It is a far cry from the raw data presented at the beginning of this discussion, but it should be kept in mind, that the underlying raw data quality is as shown above.
Another method for temporal smoothing is using the integrated strain instead of strain rate. As noise is random, the summation of strain rates from each frame will statistically even out the noise spikes and throughs:
Unsmoothed strain rate | Integrated strain from the same dataset, showing the smoothing effect of the temporal integration. |
If speckle tracking starts with a velocity field, the signal to noise ratio will be the same as for tissue Doppler derived velocities. Temporal integration to strain wil smoth out random noise in the same way.
If speckle tracking derives strain directly, as a field of acoustic markers, there will be random noise in position measurement, and temporal derivation will be increasing this to the level of the original velocity field. Thus te fndamental problem with deformation imaging is the increase i random noise.
As said above, there is just as much noise in speckle tracking as in tissue Doppler in the raw data. There is applied both temporal and spatial smoothing to overcome this, and the approach is different from the methods of tissue Doppler described above.
The main method is a spline or polynomial smoothing along the whole region of interest (ROI). The lines looking smoother, is a function of the averaging function used in the algorithm, the application will do the same to tissue Doppler data.
Spline smoothing. The whole wall with all six segments are the ROI, and the spline smooting is distributing the values over the whole ROI. The segments still remains different, due to the spline distribution
Strain rate curves from speckle tracking and tissue Doppler from the same cine - loop. The same smoothing is applied to both, showing that smoothing of the curves is not the result of the robustness of the algorithm, but of specific temporal and spatial smoothing applied by the application. The curves differ somewhat (but not too much), as strain rate is calculated with different angle and lateral resolution.
This is equivalent to the linear regression along the strain length, but using polynomial regression, and extending the strain length to the whole ROI. This means that all segments are interdependent, not independent as in tissue Doppler (and only neighboring dependent as in the segmental strain method). It will also result in temporal smoothing, as temporal differences, both random (due to random noise) and real (due to temporal inhomogeneities - both normal and pathological) may be smoothed away.
The AV plane is the heaviest feature that is tracked, and contributes the most to the motion, which is then distributed along the whole ROI by a curve fitting along the mid ROI curve, resulting in a smoother transition from segment to segment, distributing the deformation along the ROI. Thus, the 2D strain application does not reflect pure speckle tracking, but also a great amount of model fitting.
False speckle tracking. This is due to spatial smoothing in the algorithm, in order to reduce the imapact of drift and other sources of noise. The smoothing, using longitudinal information from the AV-plane motion, distributing it along the ROI by a spline function, creating a kind of "model" of the motion. As can be seen, in this image it "tracks" even if there are no speckles. This, however, is not true tracking, the bullets move according to the model calculating where they should be. Thus, there is only "false tracking", and the true local tracking cannot be fully assessed visually, and the visual quality assessment of tracking can be deceived. | Segmental values from this tracking. Left: medium (default) spatial smoothing, right: Minimum. This was done in the latest software version (2011), where values and traces carry over to segmental values after adjustment of smoothing, but the effect is small, compared to the total amount of smoothing. |
The smoothing may be adjusted in the application, but even minimum smoothing will result in measuring high strain values in empty space.
This example was obtained by manual override of the automated positioning of the ROI, as well as manual override of the automated quality check, which suggested rejection of all segments. However, the application did track, as can be seen above, left, and these images are to show the general principle, that a too generous amount of spline smoothing may result in artificial results. It also shows how the effect may camouflage minor hypokinesia by smoothing.
A small infarct in the septal apex, B-mode diagnosis alone may not be entirely convincing. | SRI CAMM from speckle tracking has much less resolution both in time (due to lower frame rate) and space (due to smoothing). The apical hypokinesia cannot be seen, but the presence of initial stretch as well as post systolic shortening in the apex might be considered (but is far less evident than in TDI). |
Here, the peak systolic strain in the apex of -14 and -15 is near normal, and the Bull's eye of peak values is not convincing either. There might be a slight discernible PSS in the two apical curves (green and cyan), but this is also within normal range. Time course in SR CAMM seems to be the best indicator. | TDI strain shows a peak systolic strain of -6, and evident PSS. |
In large infarcts the reduced sensitivity induced by smoothing doesn't seem to matter:
Large apical infarct, four chamber view, eminently visible in B-mode alone | Strain by TDI shows a- to dyskinesia in the apical septum, severe hypokinesioa in the middle septum, with PSS, moderate hypokiesia ion the basal setptum with PSS. |
The same findings are visible in traces from both applications
And in strain rate
Colour M.mode showing apical and midwall tardokinesia, apical akinesia, midwall hypokinesia and apical and midwall post systolic shortening. The details are visible in both recordings, although it looks smoother in ST, due to the spline smoothing as well as the lower frame rate.
The spline function may give some bizarre results, however:
Inferior infarct in two chamber view, being akinetic in the basal inferior wall, although with considerable passive motion due to tetherin
2D strain (left) vs. tissue Doppler (right) in an inferior infarct, analysed from the same cine loop recording. In tissue Doppler, the segmental measures are independent, in inspeckle tracking there is a high degree of interdependence. The akinesia in the base is missed due to smoothing. In this case, as there is dropout of the whole anterior wall, the smoothing may be harder in the remaining three segments. Also, in basal infarcts, the effect on AV-plane motion is less (40) as shown above. |
Another problem, being related to the insonation angle, but with mechanism similar to the drop out and reverberation issues, is arising from the low lateral resolution of tissue Doppler. This is due to low line density which is applied in order to achieve a high frame rate, as discussed above. If the frame rate is around 150 FPS, there is usually less than 20 lines in a sector. This is even more enhanced by using the MLA technique where a broad transmit beam is used, and the signal is received along more, narrower receive beams. The simultaneity of the parallel receive beams results in signals partially being received by the neighboring beam. In addition, as tissue Doppler is acquired in the fundamental mode as discussed above, side lobes are more prominent, contributing to reduced lateral resolution.
Relation between frame rate and lateral resolution in tissue Doppler. The numbers are receive lines, this means that in 4MLA, the number of transmit beams are one fourth. In reality, the lines have the same width, the data are interpolated between the lines. (Image courtesy of E Sagberg.) | Example of how this affects velocity measurements, In this image, taken at 150 FPS, the four sample volumes placed side by side in the base of the lateral wall, generates exactly the same velocity curve, showing that the data are the same. |
Initially the default frame rate was 150 FPS in tissue Doppler, but now the default is intermediate (about 100). The low lateral resolution may have effects similar to the effects of drop outs and reverberations, as one of the velocities of the strain length may be from cavity or pericardium as illustrated below.
Two wide ultrasound beams are shown in grey, with the middle marked in red. The velocities that are recorded within the beam are transposed to the middle line. Strain rate is analysed along the middle line. In the apex the angle makes the beam miss v1, and may instead use pericardial velocity (red circle) in strain rate analysis, thus v1 - v2 will be equal to -v2, too high value. In the midwall, missing v2 and using pericardial velocity instead, v1 - v2 will be equal to v1, a velocity curve, inverted and too high numerical values. Here, this is shown in the midwall, but the base is even more prone to this artifact. In the base is shown another artifact, the beam misses v1, and uses velocities from the cavity instead, which are zero, being removed by the low pass filter. v1 - v2 will then again be equal to -v2, accentuated numerical values, being an inverted velocity curve. | Normal myocardial strain rate curves (orange, cyan and green ROI and curve), show a fairly even distribution of strain rate. In the lateral wall a sample volume too far into the cavity (cyan ROI and curve) will give high numerical strain rate values, for the reason shown in a, basal. A curve too near the pericardium (red ROI and curve) shows reduced values, due to a partial effect of the pericardial influence on v2, as illustrated to the left; midwall. Averaging makes this effect partial, pericardial velocity only detracting from the numerical strain rate values. | Pericardial artifact as illustrated to the left in the midwall. Top, systole, bottom, diastole. Here, near the base is seen high, inverted strain rate values. |
The effect may explain why some authors have found higher strain rate values in the base than in the rest of the ventricle in normals, which is an absolute artifact. It may also explain why some authors have found differential strain rate values across the wall, which is fairly improbable as discussed in the main section.
Speckle tracking has the advantage of a higher line density of B-mode, at the cost of a lower temporal resolution. The very low lateral resolution used in tissue Doppler in order to achieve a high frame rate, in practice limits the measurement in the beams in the longitudinal (and tangential - for circimferential measures) direction to the entire wall thickness, for a standard set up. In addition, the line density decreases with depth.
However, Also in speckle tracking, the ability to track is determined by the resolution. this means that tracking in better in the depth direction, than in the lateral direction, as resolution is too:
A: Beam width. Speckles (true speckles: black) are smeared out across the whole beam width ( Apparent speckles dark grey, top). This means that with this beam width the speckles from to different layers cannot be differentiated, and layer specific motion cannot be tracked. | B: Line density. Only the lines in the ultrasound beams (black) are detected, and can be tracked, beams between lines are not detected or tracked.and differential mtion of the two speckles cannot be tracked. The spaces between lines cannot be seen doe to image lateral smoothing. | C: Divergence of lines in the depth due to the sector image will both increase beam width and decrease line density in the far field. this may result in the line density and width being adequate (in this example for two layer tracking) in the near field, but inadequate in the far field, situation there being analoguous to A. | D: Focussing. The beams being focussed at a certain depth mau mean that line density may be inadequate at the focus depth. Thus speckles in some layers may be missed. IN general, the default setting will usually give the best line density at the focus depth, so unless frame rate is increased, this problem may be minor. Howewever, line density will decrease ifalso if sector width is increased, there is a given number of lines for a given frame rate and depth. In any case, in the far field, the beams will be broader, and the beam width will be more like A and C. | E: Focussing may even result in beams overlapping int the far field. A speckle in the overlap zone may be smeared out across two beams. |
Near shadows will also reduce the lateral resolution.
Reduced lateral resolution due to costal shadow. The effects of both costae and shadows will vary, according to the distance from the probe. In this case the patient was extremely thin, thus there was virtually no distance between the probe and the costa. In this case, no localised shadow can be seen, the costa was to the left in the image, where resolution is poorest. |
The angle independence of speckle tracling depends on the lateral resolution:
Angle dependency of speckle tracking is related to lateral resolution. Left good resolution, as the speckles move, the kernel (rectangle) follows the speckle pattern. Right, poor resolution. As the speckles move, the kernel will follow the vertical motion, due to better radial resolution. The kernel will be unable to follow the lateral motion, at least until all the kernels have crossed the kernel boundary. This mean that there is only tracking along the ultrasound beam.
Poor resolution may result n including some pericardial tissue in the speckle trfacking as well, which will tend to rreduce the absolute strain vaalues, but not give apparent inverted values such as tissue Doppler.
Here is poor tracking in the apical lateral segment due to near field reverberations, and on the other hand, exaggerated tracking due to side lobes. | In this case, the application suggested to accept all segments, which would result in the values as shown. And the poor tracking does not reflect in the values, due to the spatial spline smoothing in the application. |
AS speckle tracking in principle is angle independent, transverse displacement an velocity can also be derived, but as this will be the segmental average, this value has little meaning, the velocity and displacement increases from epicardium to endocardium. It is the displacement and velocity gradient that is of interest, i.e. transverse strain and strain rate. However, as lateral resolution is decreasing with depth, he ability to do transc´verse measurements by speckle tracking dereases with depth as well.
Longitudinal | Transverse | |
Strain | ||
Strain |
After we pointed this out, the measurement of transmural strain was disallowed in the apical views in the 2D strain application of GE.
The angle distortion in deformation imaging, is rather complicated. One of the main issues is the three-dimensional nature of strain, with the interdependence of the different strain components. This of course means that as longitudinal strain is shortening, transmural strain is thickening.
The strain directions are interdependent, as the myocardium is fairly incompressible
The main point of strain measurement is that strain is basically measured along one line. If this is not parallel to the direction of one of the normal strains, the alignment error may add to or detract from the main strain measurement as shown below: In an incompressible object, there is simultaneous strain in the transverse direction, in order to keep the volume constant, and the two strain components are opposite and will detract from each other (1, 2, 7). This results in further reduction in the measured strain and strain rate (7). This results in further reduction in the measured strain and strain rate (7). It is evident that the insonation angle becomes important again, as the relative contributions of each strain component depends on the insonation angle.This means, that if strain is measured crosswise to the longitudinal shortening direction, it will also include a portion of transverse thickening, and this will detract from the absolute velue of longitudinal strain.
This is illustrated below.
An object undergoing longitudinal shortening (negative strain). If the object is incompressible, there will be simultaneous transverse expansion (positive strain) as well. This means that the direction of measurement (along an ultrasound beam or an ROI) matters, the more skewed the beam, the more transverse strain is incorporated into the measurement, detracting from the absolute value of the longitudinal strain. The in between line will measure both to the same degree, i.e. zero strain, while the beams in the more transverse direction will measure increasing positive strain. | Apical long axis view from a healthy person. The base of the inferolateral wall is positioned at an angle to the insonation. | An M-mode line along the ultrasound beam shows positive strain, by the divergence of the M-mode lines (speckles). The wall thickening is predominant. Interpreted as longitudinal strain, this would mean systolic elongation, i.e. dyskinesia. | Adjusting the direction of the M-mode, in this image the longitudinal and transverse strain balance, as seen by the parallel lines (speckles). This results in near zero strain. Interpreted as longitudinal strain, this would mean akinesia. | Further adjustment of the M-mode line, will result in best alignment of the line with the wall, and here there is negative strain seen by the convergence of the lines (speckles). This shows true longitudinal shortening, although if there is a residual component of transverse strain is uncertain. |
The angle dependency of Doppler is well known, with the measured velocity (and motion) reduced by the cosine of the insonation angle. This, of course, will also be the case for velocity differences.
Insonation angle deviation in different parts of the ventricle | LV shape also is important in determining the degree of wall alignment. |
A patient with no sigmoid septum shows no artifact in the base of the septum. In addition, as the ventricle is not dilated, the apical area with apparent lengthening (blue) is fairly small. There is also a small area in the base where the wall curves inward. | Strain rate curves from the apex of the same patient showing it to be perfectly feasible to measure strain in the basal part of the apical segment (red ROI and curve), the area with inverted values (being in reality thickening) is fairly small (yellow ROI and curve). |
In principle speckle tracking will track both longitudinal (shortening)and transverse (thickening) deformation, but in practice, the transverse tracking is limited by the lateral resolution, which is lower than the longitudinal, and decreasing towards the base.
In speckle tracking, in principle, if tracking is perfect, there should be no angle effect, as the tracking occurs in the direction of the longitudinal shortening. However, as explained elsewhere, the lateral resolution is far poorer than the axial, and thus there is an angle dependency as well. And in practice, the effect on speckle tracking depends on many factors, such as the orientation of the ROI, the ability of the algorithm to take ROI direction into account when tracking (and interpretation) , and the lateral resolution in the image. This is illustrated below, where 2D strain is applied to the same loop as above.
Same loop as above. Apical long axis view from a healthy person. The base of the inferolateral wall is positioned at an angle to the insonation.Also, the lateral resolution in the left field is reduced, posibly due to a near shadow, and this effect, of course, is greatest in the base. |
Same loop processed for speckle tracking. Evaluating the bullets seems to show a fair tracking. The basal inferolateral segment (yellow) seems to follow only in the apical direction, and not inwards, and the colour is inverted as in dyskinesia. | This artefact is evident also in quantitative analysis. |
Same view in tissue Doppler acquired immediately afterwards, showing normal strain in the basal iferiolateral segment. | -and TDI derived strain curves do not show dysinesia either. |
Sigmoid septum posts a similar angle problem:
The sigmoid septum shows thickening across the ultrasound beams | As the ultrasound beams crosses the basal septum, it is in reality mainly measuring transverse thickening, not longitudinal shortening. | This is very evident from this reconstructed M-mode from the same loop. In the M-mode the motionof the speckles can be seen as continuous lines. The lines diverge in systole due to thickening, but if the algorithm sees this as longitudinal strain, this will be displayed as elongation - i.e. dyskinesia. |
Speckle tracking shows initial dyskineasia, with subsequent hypokinesia in the basal septum | Tissue Doppler shows total dyskinesia in the same segment. |
Both findings, however, are artefacts.
Thus, both methods are prone to angle artefacts, and this is not always concordant, nor is always TDI that is at disadvantage.
Inward motion increases from theouter to the inner contour as explained here, as the outer layer thickens, it pushes the inner layer inwards, intoa smaller area, cusing more wall thickening. so the inner layer has to thicken even more than the outer.
Gradient of thickening illustrated by two layers: Left, end diastole. Disregarding outer contour decrease, the outer layer thickens due to longitudinal shortening (middle). That means the outer layer pushes the inner layer towards the centre, where there is less room. This effect alone will cause the inner layer to thicken due to the reduced diameter. In addition, the inner layer also shortens due to longitudinal shortening. This means that the inner layer thickens due to both shortening and inward displacement, and thus thickening more than the outer layer.
This is also the fact in longitudinal deformation, for the same reason. Speckle tracking thus tracks not only longitudinal motion, but also inward motion, increasingly towards the endocardium.
Speckle tracking image of the LV. The tracking bullets at the outer layer move least inwards in systole, the bullets at the endocardium move most, the middle row intermediate. Thus, there is a gradient of inward motion across the walls. | This is shown diagrammatically. End diastolic outer contours in unbroken lines, end systolic contours in broke lines. Outer contour (black) moves least, inner contour (blue) moves most, midwall contour (red) intermediate. |
This means that the apparent longitudinal strain has a higher absolute value in the endocardium, as explained above. This inward tracking, however, will result in apparent longitudinal shortening of the midwall and endocardium, even, hypothetically, without any ventricular shortening at all. This is due to the conical shape of the LV:
Hypothetical wall thickening, even without wall shortening. As the wall thickens, both the midwall (red unbroken) and the endocardial (blue unbroken) end diastolic lines move inwards. This is true for both the curved lines and the straight lines, the dotted lines (end systole) being shorter than the unbroken lines (end diastole). The inward motion shortens the lines, leading to a measurable longitudinal wall strain, even without any shortening of the LV.
In real life, there is simultaneous wall shortening and thickening. The additional longitudinal strain is thus a function of wall thickening, but the thickening is mostly a function of shortening.
Simultaneous wall shortening and thickening. As the wall shortens, it has to thicken, due to conservation of the myocardial volume. As illustrated above, the mid and endocardial lines shorten not only due to wall shortening, there is a shortening due to the inward movement as well, which again is caused by wall thickening. And as wall thickening is due to wall shortening, this means that the shortening is speckle tracking strain is over estimating the true wall shortening.
This endocardial wall shortening due to the inward motion, is thus an artefact, due to inward tracking.
However, the shortening due to inwards motion will increase with increasing curvature of the segments.
The longitudinal values that are obtained by the 2D strain application are curvature dependent, as shown below:
Curvature dependency of strain measurement. If the ROI is curved, the midwall line will move inwards, and thus shorten, even if there is no shortening of the segment. This will result in an apparent shortening of the segment itself, adding to the real longitudinal shortening. This curvature effect is dependent on the curvature, the width and the widening of the ROI. | Curvature dependency of strain in 2D strain by speckle tracking. The two images are processed from the same loop, to the right, care was taken to straighten out the ROI before processing, while the left was using the default ROI. In both analyses the application accepted all segments. It can be seen that the apical strain values are far higher in the right than in the left image (27 and 21% vs 19 and 17%). However, the curvature of the ROI even affects the global strain, as also discussed above in the basic section. |
The width and thickness as well as curvature of the ROI is non standard, defined ad hoc. In addition, the ROI width is uniform from base to apex, while the myocardium is thinner in the apex, giving a discrepancy between ROI width and wall thickness. As the curvature effect is also a function of ROI width, this may add to the curvature effect. This effect may account for the observed base-to-apex gradient of strain values observed in some studies. The combined method (and indeed tracking of segment length by speckle tracing alone without TDI by the same application) is curvature independent as shown below. It may be the reason why some authors find a base-to-apex gradient in the strain values obtained by this application, while we did not in the HUNT study.
Another instance of the curvature dependency of measured values. The left image is processed with fairly straight ROI in the apex. The middle image is the same loop processed with more curved ROI, in both cases the application suggested acceptance of the tracking in all segments. AS opposed to the above example, in this case the global strain is severely affected by the ROI shape as well (.15.7% vs - 20%). To the right is shown another loop from the same patient, centered on the right ventricle. In this case, the values of the septum is quite similar to the values in the left image, but differs from the middle image. The interesting thing is that the global strain itself is different from the mean strain calculated from the segmental values.
This may affect the regional strain as well, and influence sensitivity:
A small infarct in the septal apex
2D strain of the same recording (B-mode loops without TDI). The curved M-mode gives apical strain of -14 and -15%, i.e. borderline normal. This was the default ROI. | Adjusting the ROI making the apical segments straighter, reduces apical strain to -9 and -11% (abnormal) |
In this case, however there is a rather large inferior infarct.
Inferior infarct. By visual assessment this infarct is akinetic in the basal segment (moves as a stiff body). There is adequate apical motion, though, due to tethering. There is also significant inward motion, also due to tethering.
Strain by tissue Doppler, showing systolic akinesia in the basal segment (cyan curve) - mark how the ROI is placed to avoid the lower part of the segment where there is angle discrepancy), and normal strain in the apical segment (yellow) and the anterior wall (red). | Strain by 2D strain, showing borderline reduced, but still viable strain of - 12% in the basal segment. IN this case, the near akinetic segment has a strain that mainly is due to the inward motion, and as a curved segment moves inwards, they will be seen as shortening. In addition, the ROI, being the same all the way around, overestimated the wall thickness in the infarct, also contributing to the curvature dependent strain, which is dependent on the ROI width. In this case, the effect is due to the curvature, not smoothing, reducing smoothing did not reduce strain in the infarct zone at all. |
Inferior infarct. Hypokinesia of the basal segment.
Strain and strain rate. Basal hypokinesia and post systolic shortening (yellow). Also normal curves in the inferior apex as well as in the anterior wall (red and cyan). |
Same infarct as above. Tracking shows poor tracking in the basal and midwall segments have poor thickening due to poor tracking. The anterior wall is less visible. The segments are not approved for analysis. | Longitudinal strain. The apical anteior segment shows reduced strain, but this is due to poor tracking. The basal segment does not show reduced systoloic strain. This is possible due to a combined effect of the inward tracking of the curved segment giving apparent shortening, and the compression du3e to spline as in the example above. However, looking at the curve, the infarcted segment does show post systolic shortening, so the infarct is still indicated. |
Ultra high frame rate tissue Doppler is done by combining more principles:
By this method, using two broad, unfocussed (planar) beams, each covering one wall, as well as 16 MLA and sparse interleaved B-mode imaging, it has proved possible to increase the TDI frame rate substatially (153, 154). it has been possible to increase frame rate to 1200 FPS in 2D imaging.
Few beams give high frame rate. Image courtesy of Svein Arne Aase, modified from (172).
Already this has shown new information about both the pre ejection and post ejection dynamics.
With this method, it is possible to acquire IQ (RF) data with FR > 1000. This makes it possible to process restrospective tissue Doppler from the whole field (i.e. that covered by the two transmit beams), simultaneously from one heart cycle. as in colour Doppler.
Retrospective spectral Doppler curves from base, midwall and apex, all acquired from the same heart cycle, showing the decreasing velocities from base (1) to apex (3). The simultaneity of Doppler data from the whole field, allows the velocity gradient to be imaged below, as in colour Doppler. This gradient is taken from the window in mid systole shown in the top left. Image courtesy of Lars Christian Naterstad Lervik.
This allows thequalitative assessment of strain rate from Doppler curves, construction of a V-plot, and all relatively unaffected by clutter, as described in principle above.
Clutter both reduces mean values, as well as increases random noise as described above.
A: Fairly good quality normal 4-chamber view, showing the normal V.
B: 2-chamber view from healthy subject, showing an inferior reverberation (note, the true slope can still be discerned) and an anterior drop out.
C: 2-chamber view with moderate clutter in the inferior wall and an anterior wall infarct.
D: 2-chamber view with inferior infarct in the basal part (see the suddenly decreased slope) and an anterior drop out.
(Image courtesy of E. Sagberg.)
Image with reasonable quality showing a moderate amount of random noise | Image with reverberations. The average velocity values are lower, but in additions the variation of the velocity estimates from pixel to pixel is much higher. | The slope can be discerned despite the heavy reverberation noise. |
The estimation of the slope gives the strain rate. This can be estimated from spectral Doppler which can be reconstructed from high frame rate recordings.
The V-plot, derived from autocorrelation, is vulnerable to clutter and drop outs, as decribed in the pitfalls section. this means that the V-plots are difficult to see differences between artefacts and pathology.
However, with Ultra high frame rate tissue Doppler (UFR-TDI), it is possible to process restrospective tissue Doppler from the whole field simultaneously, which means that not only will tissue Doppler be available that are relatively unaffected by clutter noise, but also that spectral V-plots can be processed, which shares the reduced vulnerability to clutter as shown in the pitfalls section.
Spectral Doppler V-plot, analoguous to the one above. With retrospective spectrral Doppler the velocities are available simultaneously over the whole field, as with colour Doppler, meaning that the spatial velocity gradients are available. The reconstructed curves with decreasing velocities from base to apex are shown top right. This means that strain rate can be visualised by the slope of the V-plot. There is substantial clutter in the lateral wall, but this is irrelevant for the slope, being related to the peak values of the spectrum. However, as seen here, the window for the V-plot is mid systolic, and thus lower than the peak systolic, and so is the slope. being lower than peak strain rate. Image courtesy of Lars Christian Naterstad Lervik.
With V-plots infarcts are seen as a reduction in the slope of the V-plot, as in colour Doppler..
Spectral V-plot from two-chamber view. There is reduced strain rate in the two basal inferior segments, with hyperkinesia in the apical, and normal strain rate in the anterior wall. There is moderate clutter in the anterior wall, which is irrelevant. Again, the values are mid systolic, not peak systolic.
Tissue Doppler is still limited to one velocity direction only. This means that the term "3-dimensional" refers to a three dimensional distribution of tissue velocities only, not velocity vectors in a three dimensional coordinate system. However, data from the whole ventricle can be put together on a surface model of the left ventricle.
3D tissue Doppler is basically a grid of numerical values on a ventrricular surface. | Triplane tissue Doppler, showing three standard planes, with the assumption that the angle between them is 60°, the rest of the data between the planes are than interpolated. This gives a circumferential resolution of 60°. |
As tissue data as about acquiring (and displaying, f.i. by colour) numerical data, the method do not have the same limitation as 3D B-mode. One method is to combine information from three standard planes, and then interpolating the data between the planes by for instance spline. The method has been explained elsewhere. This has been done both by combining sequentially acquired standard planes. It could also be done as a simultaneous triplane acquisition, but at the cost of a substantially reduced frame rate. Thus, freehand scanning has been preferred.
Systolic (left) and early diastolic (right) frame showing the 3D surface of the left ventricle, where longitudinal tissue Doppler values are displayed with colour. Red shows velocities toward the apex, blue velocities away from the apex. (mark the colour gradient from base to apex, reflecting the velocity gradient).
This version of three dimensional tissue Doppler may be used for display, but also for area measurement, as the data are distributed over a representation of the (approximate) real ventricular area.
With the Ultra high frame rate tissue Doppler method, it is also possible to acquire three dimensional tissue Doppler in real time.
Using a 3D matrix probe, sending an array of 3x3 broad unfocussed or planar beams, and using a 4x4 matrix of receive beams for each transmit beam, giving a 16 (or 4x4) MLA, we have been able to achieve a volume rate of about 500 VPS (278), i.e. Ultra high frame rate 3D tissue Doppler.
Principle of beam formation, showing a matrix of 3x3 wide transmit beams (brown circles) and for each beam an array of 4x4 receive beams, i.e. a 16 MLA. (After 278). | Distribution of the transmit beams in relation to a cross section of the ventricle, endocardial and epicardial surfaces marked with black lines and arrows. the energu distribution of the beams is shown by the colour hue. The transverse plane shown to the right is marked by the thick line. (After 278). | Distribution of the transmit beams in an apical plane, the level of the cross section to the left is marked by the thick line. As evident from the illustration, the transmit beams do not cover the whole sector, but will cover most of the walls. |
By this method, t is possible to achieve a high circumferential resolution through the MLA technique at the same time as a high temporal resolution. The result can be displaued as a 3D figure, as with reconstructed 3D, and both curved M-modes and tivelocity curves can be extracted from this matrix:
3D surface with tissue velocity display. The ring represents a line for extraction of the curved M-mode shown top, left. (After 280). | Data display from the 3D velocity figure to the right. Top: curved M-mode, showing the time variation of apically directed velocities in a ring around the mid ventricle. Bottom, velocity curves from the basolateral part, red from UFR 3D TVI, extracted from the 3D data to the left, blue velocity from the same point in the same subject, but acquired bt conventional colur TDI (i.e. a different heartbeat). |